Chapter 149

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    We quietly walked out of the building and into the sunlight. "The sun feels so warm, Mama!" I said. She looked down at me and smiled. "It does, doesn't it?" She replied. I looked up and smiled. But then I remembered Papa always said to never look at the sun because it was bad for my eyes, so I immediately looked down.

    "Mama?" I asked after a while of just walking and silence. "Yes, my love?" She asked. "How long away is your friend?" I asked. "Not too far away... About 15 to 20 minutes." She said. "Why, you getting tired?" She asked with a small smile. I shook my head. "Nope!" I said cheerfully. We passed by an alley and I saw something move.

    "Mama, stop!" I said, and then looked at the alley again. "What is it?" She asked, and I heard a drop of annoyance in her voice. I didn't respond and walked closer to the alley. "Hello?" I asked. Then, from behind a box, something moved. I walked a bit closer, feeling really curious. Then a cat walked out from behind the box.

    "AWW!" I squealed as I looked at the cat. The kitty had brown, light brown, and black fur swirled together with a white belly and hazel eyes. "Mama, look!" I said excitedly. The kitty meowed quietly. "Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you," I said with a smile as I bent down to the kitty's level. The kitty meowed again as they looked at me.

    "You seem nice..." The kitty said to me. I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Of course I'm nice! I'm the nicest person in the world!" I said. The kitty looked at me like they were analyzing me. Then, they walked closer and rubbed their head against my leg. I smiled.

    "Georgiana. Stop looking at the alley and get over here. Right now." Mama said coldly. I froze. "I said NOW!" She yelled angrily. I scooped the kitty into my arms and walked over to Mama. "I'm sorry Mama..." I said, tears pricking my eyes. "You better be, you- wait what are you holding?" She said.

    "A kitty!" I said as I held them up to Mama. "Huh... She's a girl by the way." Mama said as she looked at the cat. "She is?" I asked as I looked at the kitty. "I am actually a girl." The kitty said. "Oh okay!" I said happily. "Can I hold her while we're walking? Please?" I said. Mama rolled her eyes but nodded. "Fine." She muttered. "Yay!" I said happily. We continued walking, and I continued talking to the cat.

    "What's your name?" I asked the kitty. "I... I don't have one." The kitty said sadly. "Oh no, please don't be sad-!" I said. "Look, I'll give you a name! How about... KitKat? You remind me of a KitKat-" I said. "I... I like it!" The kitty said happily. "Yay!" I replied. Mama looked down at me and groaned, her voice dripping with annoyance.

"Georgiana, will you stop meowing? It's making my head hurt."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now