Chapter 169

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    Tubbo yelped and jumped as he spun around. He threw a soapy spatula at Tommy at lightning speed and he immediately ducked. He heard a small twang and looked up. The spatula had embedded itself into the wall. Tommy gaped at Tubbo in shock, who mirrored the expression on Tommy's face. Quackity pulled out his phone and tapped something quickly. He held it up a bit and pressed something.

    A very loud explosion sound effect played loudly throughout the apartment and Tubbo burst into laughter. Soon Ranboo followed, and then Tommy. "B-Big Q, why would y-you do that?!" Tubbo said as his laughter ceased. Ranboo laughed and nodded.

    "That was so sudden!" He said, and Quackity shrugged. "Who cares? It was hilarious." He said with a grin. Benson quacked and waddled over to the edge of the counter. Tubbo became very silent and just watched him and so did Tommy. "Benson?" Tubbo asked gently. Tommy's eyes widened.

    "BENSON, NO! DON'T JUMP, YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR! YOU HAVE ONLY SEEN A FRACTION OF THE WORLD YET!" Tommy yelled frantically. Ranboo slowly turned around. "What." He said. Benson looked at him once, then looked up.

    Then he jumped. Tommy looked away, his heart not being able to handle what would become of Benson once his small, fragile, adorable body hit the hard floor. He covered his eyes, ready for the splat that would happen, but it never arrived.

    He slowly turned his head back and peeked through a crack in his fingers. Benson was safely on the ground and was nuzzling Quackity's leg. Quackity smiled fondly at him and bent down to pet his head. "What..?" Tommy mumbled in shock.

    "Oh, for heaven's sake Tommy," Clementine said. "First off, the counter isn't even that elevated. Second of all, he's a duck. He could have flapped his wings to descend slowly, and he did. Honestly, Tommy, occasionally you're so dramatic." Clementine said, and Tommy nodded slowly. "Ohh..." He said. Puffy scoffed at all of them.

    "Seriously, all of you, the cake's going to not have that fresh taste anymore if you don't hurry up and start eating it," Puffy said with her hands on her hips and a glare that made her seem like she was an actual mother scolding her children. Tommy immediately scrambled up from the floor, stood up straight, and firmly pressed his arms to his sides.

    "Yes ma'am." He said, and Puffy rolled her eyes, but she tried to hide her laugh a bit after. Niki set down the cake on the dining table and everyone gathered around to see the cake reveal. Niki slowly and very dramatically lifted the cover to show a beautifully and intricately decorated cake. The cake was a yellowish orange and it was carved to look like a honeycomb. There was golden syrup coming out of some sides so it looked like honey and the main thing which had grabbed Tubbo's attention.

    "BEES! Oh my god, I love bees!" Tubbo said excitedly. Purpled rolled his eyes with a smile. "Wow, I wonder why they call you Bee." He muttered and Tubbo punched his arm. "Ow..." He mumbled and Tubbo grinned. There were yellow and black bees made from fondant randomly placed on the honeycomb. Tubbo immediately thanked Niki, and so did everyone else.

    "I will never know how Niki managed to do this in such little time." Tommy thought as he took a bite of his slice of cake. Niki happily served everyone a slice of cake with a faint blush on her cheeks which came from everyone complimenting and flattering her over the cake. They all finished the cake and happily chatted for the rest of the time they spent together.

    Tommy managed to glance out the window and his jaw dropped when he saw the sun was setting. He quickly called for everyone to be quiet and tried to end the wonderful party. "Guys, I hate to interrupt you, but the rest of the Bench Trio and I have a patrol with SBI this night," Tommy said quickly. Ranboo's eyes widened and he facepalmed. "I almost forgot!" he said, and Niki just stared at Tommy.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now