Chapter 178

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    I laughed in shock. "It actually worked-!" I said with a a laugh and wide eyes. "False alarm." A voice said and I groaned. "Seriously?! What did you guys even do to make yourselves unmutable?!" I said exasperatedly. "You can't mute us Techno." A voice said and I could hear the grin in their voice.

    "Muting is temporary~" A voice sang. I groaned and shoved my head against the wall. "Techno!" A voice said and I glared at the wall. "What?" I said angrily. "Give us violence!" The voice said. "Wha- no!" I said as I shut my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

     "Gonna turn your vision red!" A voice said. I stared at the wall. "What does that even mean-?!" I said. "Will you voices stop?!" I said and got an answer in response. "The battle never ends." They said and I groaned. "We're the voices in your mind!" A voice said. I rolled my eyes.

    "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I said. "Our justice must be blind." A voice said. "I don't even know what that means!" I said and banged my head on the wall. "Let the chaos be divine!" A voice said excitedly and I banged my head on the walll again. "SHUT UP!" I yelled.

    "YOU'RE NOT GETTING VIOLENCE! YOU'RE NOT GETTING BLOOD OR CHAOS!" I said and the voices fell silent. I looked at the ground. "Besides, even if I did give you blood, I'd go to jail, where I'd rot away and die, so you'd only get violence once." I muttered. "You'll never die." A voice said and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right." I muttered.

    "You won't die. Not when we're with you." A voice said. I rolled my eyes at this statement. "You know you're one of us." The voices chanted. I looked out the window and felt tears prick my eyes again. "I- I'm not going to spill blood." I said shakily, feeling the tears come back. "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!" The voices chanted and I felt a tear spill from my eye.

    "No." I said. "No..." I said again in a whisper that sounded like I was trying to reassure myself rather than say no to the voices. "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!" They chanted, not showing any sign of stopping. At this point, it felt like a million voices were chanting. It was very overwhelming and loud in my head so I banged my head on the wall three more times, but they didn't stop. "Stop it..." I whispered as they chanted louder and louder. I was now crying again as the voices filled my head.

    "There's no escaping us, Techno. Just give in." A voice said calmly while the others chanted. I shook my head furiously. "N-No!" I said and started crying freely. My vision was hazy and I felt exhausted. I heard something open but didn't bother looking. I saw a blurry figure quickly sit down in front of me.

    "Techno?!" The person said in a voice that sounded like it was millions of miles away. "Techno, look at me." The person said and I tried to look up but I couldn't. "Trust me. Please." The person said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

    "There's no one you can trust, Techno. So leave them all for dust. Leave them before they leave you." A voice said and I tlooked at the person. The person had... brown hair, I think. Most of their features were unclear and I couldn't remember who they were. My breathing picked up when I looked at the stranger I pushed them away and pushed myself up against the wall in fear.

    "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!" The voices chanted and I pushed myself as far as I could from the brunette person. I shut my eyes as hard as I could and turned my head away from the person. I curled up into a ball and cried as the voices continued chanting.

    "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLO..." The voices trailed off. "What's that sound?" A voice asked. "Huh?" I mumbled and lifted my head. The sound was coming from the person in front of me. He had moved farther away from me and had something in his hands. I wiped my eyes and tried to look at the person.

   "It's so... calming." A voice said in what sounded like awe. I focused on the person and tried to remember who they were. Out of a sea of names which had appeared in my mind, I tried to pick the right name.

    "Tommy... Innit?" I thought and looked closer at the person. An image of a boy appeared in my mind. The boy in the picture was blond, not a brunette. So not TommyInnit then. I kept on searching and soon found one.

     "Wilbur..." I mumbled and a picture appeared as I thought about a person named Wilbur. The person in the picture had fluffy brown hair, black circular glasses, and a maroon beanie. I looked at the person in front of me and realised they were the same. "Wilbur." I said with recognition dawning on me and the haze faded away and information came rushing back.

    Wilbur was my older twin brother. My friend. Someone who understood me. Someone who helped me. I looked at what Wilbur was holding in his hands and recognised what he was doing. Tears filled my eyes, but this time, they were tears of happiness and relief as I registered what he was doing.

Wilbur was playing his guitar.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now