Chapter 146

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    Tommy looked down to see Ph1LzA trying to stop everyone. "Okay, I know you all are mad..." Ph1LzA said and Tommy watched as Rose rolled her eyes and made her vines grip Tommy tighter. "Rose, take your vines off of Timothy," Ph1LzA said sternly, and Rose hesitantly took her vines off Tommy, but not without a grumble of disappointment and disapproval.

    "Sapnap put out your fire," Ph1LzA said with the same stern voice, and Sapnap put his fire out with a grumble similar to that of Rose. "And you, Phantom. Stop making the walls disappear." Ph1LzA said, and Phantom groaned and the walls returned back to normal.

    "Now, everyone put Timothy down, and let's settle this like grown-ups," Ph1LzA said calmly. "BUT HE INSULTED CHOCCY MILK!" A voice screeched, and Ph1LzA nodded. "Which is a severe crime. I am not saying he shouldn't receive a punishment, I'm just saying to think this over. How about instead of torturing him, we take him to the police station." Ph1LzA said, and everyone let go of Tommy and instantly backed away from him.

    "Oh shit," Tommy mumbled as he realised there was nothing under him and fell on his back. "Oww-" Tommy muttered. "Now, let's take him to the police station like the adults that we are," Ph1LzA said, and Tommy looked back to see Rose looking at Ph1LzA hopefully. Ph1LzA groaned.

    "Fine, Rose," he muttered, and Rose let out a small victory cheer as her vines pulled Tommy up into a standing position, and then she wrapped them around Tommy's wrists, so now he was handcuffed. "Now come on," Ph1LzA said, and then walked towards the elevator. "Huh." He muttered, then looked at everyone.

    "Ok, so we're going to divide up into groups of 10. The elevator can't fit us all." Ph1LzA said, and Tommy heard someone groan. "Frick this." The same person muttered, and a few seconds later, he heard a loud explosion and glass shattering. Tommy, along with everyone else, whipped around to see Cat Bomb standing by the window.

    "Well?" He said with a grin as he stared at everyone. Everyone cheered as Ph1LzA stared at the window. Everyone started jumping out of the window until it was just Tommy, Purpled, Ph1LzA, Phantom and around ten more people left.

    "Come on, vi- I mean criminal!" Purpled said close to Tommy's ear causing Tommy's heart to drop. "Are you serious?!" Tommy muttered quietly to Purpled. "I'm so sorry Timothy-" Purpled muttered back. Tommy looked around. "Do you think anyone heard you?" Tommy muttered quietly. "No one except Phantom, but now you're making us look sus-" Purpled replied. "Right, sorry-" Tommy said, and they went back to how they were before.

    "Go on, you scum!" Purpled said as he pointed towards the shattered window. "But we're so high up!" Tommy said as he pretended to seem scared. "Fine, I'll do it myself then," Purpled said, and he pushed Tommy out. "WAIT WHA-" Tommy yelled as he got pushed out of the window.

That was the last thing Tommy said before he hit the ground.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now