Chapter 120

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    Tommy grinned as he saw the two kids. "Hey, Junior and Finley!" Tommy said happily as he pets both of them. "Mister, how do you know our names?" Junior said suspiciously. "Oh wow, these kids are smart-" Tommy thought as his eyes widened. Tommy looked over to Niki, giving her a look which meant "WHAT SHOULD I DO, NIKI HELP ME!". Niki nodded and thought for a second.

    "Okay, Junior and Finley, we're going to tell you a secret, but you can't tell anyone else, understand? Not even a single soul, you can't talk about it at all, no matter where you are. Okay?" Niki said, and Tommy's eyes widened.

    "Niki, what are you doing?!!?" He mouthed. "Just go along with it, and I've got it under control." Niki mouthed back. Tommy nodded reluctantly and let out a small sigh as he closed his eyes. Junior and Finley looked at each other and then nodded as they looked back at Niki.

    "Do not be apprehensive, Tommy. I sense we can trust these children, they seem sensible and dependable." Clementine said calmly, and Tommy nodded. "Well, do you two know who TommyInnit is?" Niki asked as she checked the cakes to make sure they were okay.

    "Mister Tommy? The man who comes at night and has an a-" Finley said, and Tommy's eyes widened. "Yes, that man!" Tommy said, realising they were about to tell Niki about Clementine. "Tommy, why do you not allow anyone different than Ranboo, Tubbo, Benson, and these children to know about me?" Clementine asked.

    "I... I don't know Clem." Tommy thought with a sigh. "But if it offends you or anything I can try to tell the vigilantes about you at one of the upcoming meetings? I don't want you to think that I'm being selfish or anything." Tommy thought. "I'm not offended, Tommy! I'm just a bit confused because my previous owners showed me off to everyone they met, and I was visibly there with them wherever they went." Clementine said. A few seconds later, they continued.

    "However, I vividly recall one owner I had. They were one of the best owners I ever had, they truthfully took consideration of me, and we went everywhere together. Yes, I was visibly there with them, but they treated me as a friend rather than a gold medal. My memories with them were the happiest moments of my life." Clementine said, and Tommy felt as if they were remembering something far away.

    "Yes, the vigilante. Well, we need to tell you something." Niki said, snapping both Tommy and Clementine out of their trance. "Wait. Niki, Phantom has super-hearing." Tommy reminded Niki. Niki's eyes widened with realisation.

    "Thanks, Tommy. Uhm, do you have a paper and pen on you?" Niki said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I think so..." Tommy muttered and searched his pockets. "Yup!" Tommy said, relieved as he pulled out a pen and a sheet of paper.

    "Perfect. Finley and Junior, can you two read?" Niki asked as she started writing on the paper. "I think we can... the newspapers people throw away are kind of helpful..." Finley muttered. "Okay!" Niki said as she handed the pen back to Tommy, who nodded and smiled.

    "Well, try to read this, okay?" Niki said sweetly as she gently placed the paper in front of the two kids. Tommy watched as they read the paper out loud, with a bit of difficulty. "... is a... vig-i-lan-tee?" Junior tried to sound out.

    "You pronounced it correctly, Junior." Niki said with a smile as she took the cakes out of the oven. "Wait..." Finley said as her eyes widened. Then Junior's eyes also widened, and the two immediately looked up at Tommy. The two then spoke in unison, disbelief, and shock.

"Mister Tommy?"

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