Chapter 132

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    After Phantom left, Tommy stared at the door for a few more minutes. "Clementine, what on earth just happened?" Tommy asked, still staring at the door as Clementine zoomed out from behind the clock and grew to their average size.

    "You are proceeding to patrol tonight, right?" Clementine asked, and then went to the bookshelf. Tommy nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Hold up I'll call Ranboo." Tommy muttered and pulled out his phone. He clicked on Ranboo's contact and FaceTimed him. A few moments later, he picked up and Ranboo appeared on the screen.

    "Who is it?" said a muffled voice in the background. "It's just Tommy, Tubbo," Ranboo said, and then he greeted Tommy. "Hey Tommy, did you need something?" Ranboo asked. Tommy nodded and laughed a bit.

    "Bossman, you won't believe what just happened," Tommy said with a laugh, and Tommy saw Tubbo come into the camera's view as he started to tell what happened between him and Phantom. By the time he was done, Tubbo was laughing hysterically and Ranboo was also laughing.

    "Well? Do you think we should ask the Bench Trio if they are going to patrol tonight?" Tommy said, then burst into laughter. Tubbo started laughing harder as he tried to catch his breath. "Oh yes, I'll call B-Bee right now and ask him if he's f-free tonight!" Tubbo said while laughing. Ranboo laughed, and Tommy returned to being serious.

    "But seriously, should we patrol with them tonight?" Tommy asked. Clementine floated over to Tommy and just hovered quietly over his shoulder as they listened to their conversation. "It's with all three of SBI, right?" Ranboo asked. "Yup," Tommy replied.

    "I don't know, what if it's a trap? I mean, we're vigilantes and they're heroes..." Tubbo trailed off, a bit uncertain. "Wait, Tubbo does have a point..." Ranboo said. Tommy nodded as he thought about it. "Well, we'll just have to be extra careful then. It might look sus if we back out when we have a truce..." Tommy said as he looked off.

    "I believe we will be fine if we do not let our guard down," Clementine said, and Tubbo nodded. "Before we go to patrol, I'll give both of you a refill on honey, smoke, and glitter bombs. That way, if we need to escape, we can do so... Actually, Tommy, let me check your boots too. You can't ever be too safe..." Tubbo muttered as he got lost in his thoughts.

    Ranboo smiled at him and pecked his forehead affectionately, causing Tubbo to smile a bit and Tommy to roll his eyes. "Also, Tommy, I need to tell you something, check your Discord DMs," Ranboo said quietly, and Tommy nodded, a bit confused. Tommy went over to Discord and waited for Ranboo to send his message.

    A while later, the message appeared and Tommy read it quickly. "Soo, Tubbo may or may not have walked on his own..." Tommy read and his eyes widened with shock and happiness. He kept on reading.

    "AND WE NEED CAKE TO CELEBRATE OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW UHH MAYBE SOME CUPCAKES TOO? Uh, how about a party? And then we'll go to patrol? But we have to keep it a surprise, and I think Benson knows what I'm planning he's watching me like he wants to murder me, send help- BUT MY MAIN POINT IS BEFORE YOU GET HOME GET SOME CAKE OR SOMETHING FROM BAD AND NIKI'S CAFE-" The text read.

    Clementine audibly gasped with surprise and Tommy's mouth dropped as he stared at Ranboo's face which was in the corner of his phone screen. Tommy finally found the ability to speak again and said three words that expressed how he was feeling.

"Excuse me, WHAT?!!?"

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