Chapter 68

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    Tommy quietly tried to back up, but his foot landed on a rock and he almost fell. He quickly tried to regain his balance, and he did. He let out a sigh of relief, but he quickly found out his relief was short-lived. When he tried to regain his balance, he made a noise by accident and Phantom whipped around to face him.

    "Oh, crap." Tommy thought as he and Phantom stared at each other, then Phantom lunged at Tommy. "WHERE IS HE?!!?" Phantom yelled at Tommy and Tommy did his best to dodge Phantom's attack. "What?" Tommy asked, generally confused. "YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT, VIGILANTE!" Phantom yelled, saying the word "vigilante" with venom dripping from his voice.

    Tommy held his hands up to block another attack. "No, I'm serious, who are you talking about?!!?" Tommy asked as he deflected another furious blow. "STOP PRETENDING TO BE INNOCENT WHEN YOU'RE NOT!" Phantom yelled angrily at Tommy, furiously trying to hit any part of Tommy. "I'M SERIOUS!" Tommy said as he lowered his hands a bit.

    Huge mistake. Phantom immediately aimed for his nose, and Tommy could hear a sickening crunch, which probably meant his nose was broken. "Oof. That's going to hurt. Well, not if I eat a slice of Niki's cakes... or Bad's muffins." Tommy thought. He was broken out of his train of thought when Phantom aimed a hit dangerously close to his face, but he dodged at the last moment so Phantom's fist missed Tommy by an inch.

    "MY SON YOU IDIOT! I KNOW YOU DID THAT TO MY ROOM, SO I WON'T ASK AGAIN. WHERE. IS. MY. SON?!!?" Phantom yelled, now trying to hit Tommy at an inhuman pace. "I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOUR SON IS! Wait- you have a son?" Tommy yelled as he tried his best to deflect the hits. Tommy's mind was getting overwhelmed with thoughts. Who knew Phantom had a son? "STOP LYING!" Phantom yelled, and Tommy winced a bit.

    "Ok, I seriously don't know where your son is, but this has gone on for way too long." Tommy muttered, and Clementine magically placed a new smoke bomb that Tubbo had recently made in Tommy's hand. Tommy thanked Clementine silently and with the strength he had left, threw the bomb onto the roof. 

In an instant, thick smoke surrounded the fighting duo.


    "DANG IT!" I yelled as I realized what the vigilante had done. "Why weren't you faster?!!?" I yelled at myself in my head as I tried to get out of the smoke cloud that the vigilante had created. The smoke was so thick that I could barely see my own feet. I blindly punched through the smoke, trying to see if I could still hit the vigilante, but my fist came in contact with nothing. When the smoke cleared, my fears were confirmed.

    The vigilante had escaped. Again. I let out a frustrated shout and looked around to see if there was any trace of him. I soon realized that he was gone. I yelled at myself in my head because I should have been faster, and made my way back to my house. After around twenty minutes, I reached my house. I decided to come into my house through the back door because I probably wasn't going to be able to climb up to my bedroom window.

    I quietly crept in and went upstairs to my room. I walked in silently and shut the door behind me. I looked at my bed and winced. Yeah, there was no way I was going to be able to sleep in my honey-covered bed. I muttered angrily and left my room. I decided I could sleep in the guest room instead. I changed out of my outfit and then plopped down onto the large, comfortable bed and wrapped myself up in the blankets.


    I woke up the next morning to the sun poking through the slightly open curtains. I got up, rubbed my eyes a bit, and opened the curtains. I looked around the room and realized it wasn't my room. I was in the guest room for some reason. Then, yesterday's events ran into me and I remembered. "Fundy was kidnapped..." I mumbled. 

    My heart ached to see him again. I fixed the bed and left the guest bedroom, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hallway, and then I bumped into someone. "Oof, I'm sorry-" I got cut off by the person saying my name. "Wilbur?" They said, and I looked to see Techno. "Hey Techno! How are-" I got cut off again by him saying something that shocked me.


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