Chapter 167

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    Niki finished baking the cake in record time and she smiled sweetly at Tommy. "Almost done, just need to decorate it," She said happily, and Tommy returned the smile. "Okay!" He responded as he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through random apps. Niki looked over at the hooded figure and winced a bit. "Sorry Purpled, your order is going to have to wait... But maybe you come with me and Tommy?" Niki said sheepishly, and Tommy instantly froze.

    "PURPLED?!" Tommy yelled in shock, and the hooded figure froze. The figure, apparently Purpled, didn't do anything other than stand very still, so Tommy pocketed his phone, walked over to him, and yanked his hood down. The hooded figure was indeed Purpled. Tommy felt a small fire ignite within him as he stared at the blond teenager. He clenched his fists as he saw Purpled gulp.

    "H-Hey T-Tommy!" He said shakily as he backed away. "N-Nice to s-see you o-out of p-prison!" He stuttered as he continued backing away. "Hold up, prison? What happened?!" Niki said as she looked at Purpled, then Tommy, and then Purpled again.

    "This little prick put me in prison." Tommy managed to get out through his clenched teeth. His voice was dripping in bitterness as he walked towards Purpled. Puffy looked up from her small cupcake and drink and looked at Tommy and Purpled. Niki sighed and shook her head.

    "See? Trouble-making children." She mumbled and went to the back to decorate the cake. Purpled backed up into a corner and gulped. There was no way for him to escape, and Tommy noticed with a grin. Tommy raised his fist, ready to beat the absolute shit out of Purpled, when Puffy came in between them.

    "Stop it, you two!" She said with a small groan. Tommy's eyes softened a bit and he looked at Puffy with a confused look. "But Puffy, he put me in prison!" Tommy whined, and Puffy pinched her nose bridge as if she was tired of Tommy and Purpled's trouble-making tendencies.

    "For the love of God, you two. Can't we just deliver Tubbo's cake in peace?" She asked as she looked at Purpled, then Tommy. A small dark cloud was forming over her head, and Tommy immediately knew if Puffy didn't return to her usual happy state soon, they would all be drenched in water. "But he put me in p-" Tommy started to whine, but got cut off.

    "How about this," Puffy started. "Purpled, you owe Tommy an apology, and Tommy can give you whatever punishment seems fit to him for a week. But beating Purpled is not an option for punishment. Sound good?" Puffy said as she tried to compromise with both of them. Tommy paused, then nodded.

    "Okay, fine." He mumbled with a sigh. Puffy smiled a bit at him and Tommy felt his heart grow warm, just a bit. The cloud became a lighter shade of grey and Puffy turned to Purpled. "Go on, Purpled," Puffy said as she crossed her arms. "Apologise." She said, and Purpled groaned but nodded.

    "Sorry, Tommy." He mumbled, and Puffy raised an eyebrow. "Louder." She said, and Tommy had to suppress a small laugh. "Sorry, Tommy," Purpled said in a louder tone. Puffy looked at him again, and he groaned. "I'm sorry for putting you in prison, Tommy." He said, and Puffy nodded, finally satisfied.

    The cloud finally cleared and Tommy let out a small sigh of relief. Turns out he wasn't getting drenched today. Niki came out from the back with a white box in her hands, which held the cake for Tubbo. She smiled when she realised they had made up, and she held the box a bit higher. "Well, then?" She asked.

"Shall we leave now?"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now