Chapter 123

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    Tommy quickly tried to think of an excuse. He glanced at the clock over Niki's head and his eyes widened. "Niki, I would love to talk to you, but I have to leave. I'm almost going to miss the train!" Tommy said in shock as he stepped back from the two kids and went towards the door.

    "Bye Mister Tommy!" Finley and Junior said. Tommy smiled and waved bye. "What- Fine, I guess. Hurry up so you don't miss the train." Niki said as she raised an eyebrow. "Shit. Clementine, I think she's onto me." Tommy thought as he pushed the back door open and started running.

    "Well, you created a satisfactory enough excuse for now. The fact that the train is about to depart soon is exceptionally convenient." Clementine replied with a small hum. Tommy nodded as the train station came into view.

    "You know, knowing how run-down District 17 is, it's surprising that there's a train station in our district." Tommy muttered under his breath. "TIMOTHY!" He heard a voice yell as he ran into the train station. "P-Purpled?" Tommy asked in confusion. Purpled ran to him and grinned as he handed him a ticket.

"Come on, idiot, I saved you a seat."


    I groaned as I looked around. I remembered I drank a potion and grinned. I immediately threw my blanket off and shot up. I quickly placed my feet on the ground and pushed my torso up using my arms. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding as I stood up. Then the realization hit me. I stood up by myself.

    I. Stood. Up. By. Myself. My eyes widened and I felt a tear of happiness start to form in my eye. I started to sob in happiness as Benson immediately started quacking. "I-I'm fine, Benson." I said shakily. Usually, when I wanted to walk, I could barely get up, but the times when I had enough strength, someone had to help me get up off my bed and help me stand up.

    "Quack! Qu... Quack?" Benson said and he immediately started jumping. I smiled and bent down to pick him. I actually bent down. Like, I bent my knees without falling face forward onto the floor. A tear fell onto Benson's head which made him even more worried. "Quack!" Benson said as he immediately moved his head up to my eye and tried to wipe my tears away with his head.

    "I'm fine, Benson! Th-These are happy tears!" I said as I sniffed and smiled. "Quack! Quack!" Benson said as he realized what I did. He looked down and started jumping happily. "Quack! Quack!" He said as he burrowed his head into my neck.

    "Yup. I did it, Benson." I said with a smile. "Quack! Quack!" Benson said, as if he was trying to say "You did it! You did it!". I laughed shakily as I took in the scene. I smiled and looked around. Then I spoke to the duck who was my childhood best friend. Well, after Tommy, of course.

"Well, Benson, do you want to take a walk?"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now