Chapter 20

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    "HAPPY PLATONIC VALENTINE DAY!!" Tommy yelled as he almost tackled Tubbo, who was sitting on his bed and laughing. "HAPPY PLATONIC VALENTINE DAY TO YOU TOO TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled back as he hugged Tommy tightly. "Clingy much." Ranboo muttered under his breath as he came into Tubbo's room with a smile.

    "I HEARD THAT YOU MASSIVE IDIOT!!" Tommy yelled at Ranboo, who was unable to control his laughter and burst out laughing. Ranboo walked over to the bed and ruffled both Tommy and Tubbo's hair. "Happy Platonic Valentine Day to both of you." He said with a small smile. "Happy Platonic Valentine Day to you too Ranboo." Tubbo and Tommy said at the same time.

    While Tommy was getting ready to go to work, he thought about yesterday's events. "It sure was something, huh." Tommy thought as he put on his shoes. "I'M GOING TO WORK!" Tommy yelled as he left the apartment. After Ranboo had teleported them to the apartment, Tommy and Tubbo went to change and get some sleep, while Ranboo teleported everyone else to their homes safely.

    He soon reached the cafe and literally punched open the door. "HAPPY PLATONIC VALENTINE DAY EVERYONE!!" He said with a huge smile on his face. "Happy Platonic Valentine Day to you too Tommy!" Everyone greeted back as some laughed. Tommy grinned and went to the drinks station. 

    As usual, Liam was there. He said hi to him, then went to take peoples orders. And as usual, Ph1lzA and The Blade were there. Tommy scoffed, annoyed. He did his best to put on a smile and went to take their orders and once more, they looked at him closely. 

    "Hey kid, stay safe." Ph1lzA said as he looked me up and down. I internally sighed as Blade started speaking. "Yeah, there are a lot of vigilantes around lately, that could be dangerous." Blade said. Tommy became very angry at that comment, but he nodded curtly and left with their orders written down on his notepad.

    "OH MY GOD, I WILL LITERALLY KILL THEM!!" Tommy thought as he angrily made the drinks. "WE'RE THE ONES PROTECTING THE DISTRICT, NOT HARMING IT!" Tommy thought but he tried to calm down after he almost spilled the drinks. Once again, he put on a smile and went out to give them the drinks.  After he gave them the drinks, Liam asked him if he was ok.

    "Hey, are you ok?" Liam asked, he seemed worried. "Yeah, I'm fine." Tommy muttered as he made more drinks. "But you don't seem ok." He said with a small frown. "Well, the heroes outside think vigilantes are dangerous and that they are better than the vigilantes." Tommy muttered angrily as he jerked his head towards the door that lead to the dining room.

    "Wait, you don't think that the heroes are better than the vigilantes?" Liam said, clearly shocked. Tommy scoffed. "Heroes? Better than the vigilantes? Not a chance. Heroes are almost never there for people like us in the poorer districts. Maybe because they're so busy fighting the villains that they forget where the real crime is happening. I would trust a vigilante more than a hero, and so would everybody else in these districts." Tommy said while rolling his eyes.


    I was shocked. Timothy explained that vigilantes were better than heroes mainly because heroes were almost never there. I felt really guilty due to the fact that I realized that us heroes were almost never there for the poorer citizens, and I decided to tell Phil and Techno when I got back to headquarters. Then, Timothy said something that really shook me. "I would trust a vigilante more than a hero, and so would everybody else in these districts.". Since then, I gave myself a new mission.

I would make Timothy trust heroes more than vigilantes.

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