Chapter 99

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    I took a deep breath and opened Tubbo's door. I saw Tommy and Purpled give me a thumbs up from behind the door, and I smiled slightly and nodded. I turned to see Tubbo look at me with a confused look as Benson stared at me. I smiled weakly and stepped inside.

    "Hey, Ranboo! Uhhh... did you need something?" Tubbo asked as he attempted to sit up. "Here, let me help." I said and helped him sit up. "Thanks, bossman!" Tubbo said with a smile as he looked at me from under his fluffy hair. I smiled and nodded.

    "So... what did you need?" He asked, and I became nervous again. I took a few steps back from him and watched as he became more confused. I stepped out of his room and took the ring out. Tommy and purple gave me encouraging looks, and I spotted a tiny Clementine watching me from behind Tommy's ear.

    "You will be fine, Ranboo! Just confess to Tubbo, it will be alright!" I heard Clementine tell me in my mind. I smiled and nodded. "Thanks a lot, Clementine." I thought. I took a deep breath and held the ring behind my back with my right hand. I then walked into Tubbo's room and did a dramatic and exaggerated gasp.

    "What? Bossman, are you ok? You're making me think you're on something... did you take drugs from Quackity?! Oh my god... are you on crack?!" Tubbo said, and Benson quacked protectively and hopped onto Tubbo's lap. I saw Benson glare at me, ruffle his feathers, continue glaring at me, and I gulped.

    "God, I can't get anything done if I'm living in fear of a killer duck that my hopefully future platonic husband has-" I thought. "Oh my god, you have b-boted!" I said, trying not to stutter. Just like Tommy predicted, Tubbo raised an eyebrow in confusion, but he also became more worried. "I am now almost convinced you have taken a drug or something... are you drunk?" Tubbo asks. "And wait, what's boted?" Tubbo said confusedly, and I heard Tommy snicker from behind the door.

    "BOTEDEEZ N-NUTS IN Y-YOUR MOUTH!" I stuttered. I mentally facepalmed and cursed myself. "YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO STUTTER RANBOO- YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOOK CONFIDENT-" I thought. "But the show must go on, however." I decided, and then dropped down to one knee and held the ring out to Tubbo.

    "Tubbo Underscore, will you platonically marry me?" I said, practically sweating with nervousness, and I looked down, not being able to make eye contact with Tubbo at the moment. I watched as Tubbo's eyes widened, and even Benson the Killer Duck looked shocked. "I-I-" Tubbo stuttered in shock. My eyes widened and I looked up at him.

    "Yes!" Tubbo said happily with a wide grin on his face. "Wait, w-what?!" I said in shock and disbelief. It seemed like even Benson was shocked because he looked up at Tubbo with wide eyes. Tubbo however, laughed and smiled at me. My heart melted, and I smiled back. Tubbo then said something that probably made Clementine, Tommy, and Purpled cheer with excitement.

"Yes, Ranboo Beloved, I will platonically marry you."

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