Chapter 104

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    Purpled immediately threw the smoke bomb, surrounding everyone in thick smoke. Tommy couldn't see anything through the purple smoke, but Ender could. Hopefully, if everything was going according to plan, Ender had grabbed both Purpled and Minx, or Purpled and Minx had grabbed Ender, and then Ender had teleported to their apartment.

    He wasn't sure what Purped and Minx would do when they reached their apartment, but he didn't focus on it too much. He heard Ranboo teleport and smiled. The smoke blocked your vision, but it didn't affect your hearing too much. And because of the fact that Phantom had super-hearing, he would probably be able to navigate through the smoke with little problem. So that's why Tommy did what he did. He did the first thing that entered his mind.

    He screamed. Clementine shout out of Tommy's pocket and hovered in front of him. Then they grew to their usual size. Tommy kept on screaming and held his hand out, which Clementine gladly flew into. "Tommy, Ender has returned, and you can pause the screaming. Also, the smoke is going to disappear soon." Clementine said. "Thanks a lot, Clem." Tommy said with a smile.

    Soon enough, the smoke disappeared, and Tommy saw SBI on the roof in front of him. Tommy felt Ender walk up to him and gently place a hand on his shoulder. Tommy didn't look up, but he smiled and held Clementine tightly. The three of them watched as Phantom groaned and slowly removed his hands from his ears.

    "God, that was terrible... My ears are still ringing." He muttered and Ph1LzA placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Blade, however, narrowed his eyes as he focused on Tommy, and then his eyes widened.

    "I-Is that my axe?!!?" Blade yelled, and it looked like he was furious with rage. "What makes you, a worthless, foolish, and idiotic vigilante think you deserve the Axe of Peace? That glorious and legendary weapon belongs to a worthy hero, whose actions are good, and uses their weapons only for good, not some selfish vigilante who vandalizes, steals, and beats innocent people. Give me back the axe, MY axe, and I'll make sure to not go too hard on you." Blade said as he held his hand out towards Tommy as if he was trying to pull Clementine towards him. Tommy was about to talk back to Blade, but Clementine beat him to it. And what they said next shocked everyone.

    "And what makes you, a worthless, foolish, and idiotic hero think you deserve me? I belong to whoever I please. I belong to a worthy person whose motives are good and who will make sure to take care of me and not neglect me. Perhaps because of all the recent events happening, you have your mind wandering in other matters, or it is just the fact that acting like a stuck-up prideful hero is making your intelligence, IQ, and the number of brain cells you have drop. I will not allow you to talk to Tommy that way when he is a million times better than you." Clementine said, their voice almost shaking with anger.

    Tommy and Ender stared in shock in Clementine. None of them had ever heard Clementine talk with so much anger in their voice. "And for the last time, my name is Clementine. Oooh, wait, that rhymed!" Clementine said, and Blade looked like someone had reached over to him and slapped his face. Hard.

    "What. Did. You. Do. To. The. Axe. Of. Peace." Blade said, summoning the second sharpest axe Tommy had ever seen. Tommy gulped, and he felt Clementine become a bit warmer in an attempt to comfort him. "Do not worry. When I am present, you do not have to be afraid." Clementine said telepathically, and Tommy nodded as a small smile tugged on his lips.

"YOU BRAINWASHED AND MANIPULATED THE AXE!" Blade said angrily as he stepped forward. Ph1LzA tried to hold him back, but he failed as Blade's eyes darkened with anger. Tommy felt anger start to boil up inside him, and he started talking back.

    "For your freaking information, Clementine chose me, I didn't choose them. You're just bitter, jealous, or probably both because lovely Clementine here chose me, a vigilante, over you, the second top hero. But you have no right to say I brainwashed and manipulated them when you literally neglected them. You wouldn't know how it feels to be neglected because you're probably "Daddy's little favourite", aren't you?" Tommy said, and Bee quietly listened to the drama.

    "Well guess what? Being neglected hurts a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean it feels like you have no one. It tears you out from the inside out, it eats you up and the feeling of loneliness spreads to every corner of your body like venom. No one to hold you, hug you, or comfort you." Ender said, his voice cool and even, and you had to listen really closely to hear the drop of bitterness and sadness in his voice. Phantom groaned and rolled his eyes.

    "What do you think, some sappy talk is going to make us go easier on you?" Phantom said, and Ender grinned. "No, but it gave me enough time to do this." A voice said from behind SBI. Blade, Phantom, and Ph1LzA's eyes widened and they whipped around as they drew their weapons out. Tommy grinned, and Ender stared at the scene with intense pride radiating off him.

It was Bee, using the wings to hover in the air behind SBI.

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