Chapter 16

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    Tommy soon learned that Liam was a quick learner, but he was a bit clumsy. One time when he was making a smoothie, he forgot to keep his hand on the lid and started talking to Tommy. Because the lid wasn't secure, the lid launched about 5 feet in the air and then the smoothie got everywhere. It took half an hour to clean up, and they were laughing the whole time.

    Soon though, Tommy and Liam's 9 to 5 shift, which they both said wasn't the best to be honest, was over. After shaking hands, they both went their separate ways, Tommy to his apartment and Liam went to an alley. There he changed into Phantom, became invisible, and headed back towards the headquarters.

    When Tommy reached his apartment, he said hi to Puffy, then immediately plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes. Ranboo heard the door close and went to see who it was. Once he saw it was Tommy, he sat down next to him and asked him about his day. "How was work?" Ranboo asked. Even though Tommy couldn't see his face, he could hear the slight concern in his voice.

    "Pretty sh!t boss man." Tommy said, putting his head in his hands. "Why what happened?" Ranboo asked, his voice now showing more concern. "First, I had to keep on trying to stop myself from limping! But no matter how hard I tried, Ph1lzA and The Blade noticed." Tommy said. "But the relieving part is that they still think I'm being abused. So, they don't suspect me yet." Tommy said with a slight relief in his voice.

    "Then, a newbie came in. Normally I would like newbies, but this one chose to work at the drinks station. And his name is William. His name sounds sus. But then I learned he's a quick learner and he's actually a bit fun to hang around with." Tommy told Ranboo as Ranboo patted Tommy's back. "Uhm yeah, that's pretty much it for the day." Tommy said as he sat back up. "Tommy, that wasn't a sh!t day. Only one bad thing happened." Ranboo said while laughing. "Shut up." Tommy said, lightly punching Ranboo.

    "Do you think you'll be able to go to the meeting tomorrow?" Ranboo asked Tommy. "Yeah! I think Tubbo can handle being alone in the house for a while, he'll have a camera on, so if something happens to him you can teleport to him. And he'll also be in the meeting but on a computer." Tommy said as he thought about it. "I'm going to see Tubbo, want to come?" Tommy asked Ranboo.

    The two went down the hallway towards Tubbo's room. After a pattern of knocks, he heard someone say, "Come in!". When they got inside his room, they immediately sat down next to Tubbo. Tommy sat down on Tubbo's bed, and Ranboo sat down on Tubbo's chair. "Hey Bee! How are you feeling today?" Tommy asked Tubbo. Tubbo's face lighted up when Tommy asked him the question.

"I think I can go to the meeting tomorrow!"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora