Chapter 54

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    "Wait, you know the duck?" Tommy asked, shocked. "Oops, sorry Clementine." he said as he felt something vibrate in his hand. He opened his hand and Clementine flew out and became their normal size again. "Thank you, Tommy. It was becoming really uncomfortable." Clementine said, and Tommy smiled. "No problem Clem!" Tommy said with a smile, and now it was Tubbo and Ranboo's turn to stare in shock.

    "IS THAT THE AXE OF PEACE?!!?" Ranboo yelled, and Tommy smiled. "Yeah, it is! I found them at SBI's house." Tommy said with a grin. Clementine scooted closer to Tommy when Ranboo called them 'Axe of Peace', and Tommy patted them.

    "Also, please don't call them 'Axe of Peace'. They don't really like that name because it's stupid and boring. Clementine is their real name." Tommy said as he smiled gently at Clementine. Ranboo nodded seriously. "Ok, sorry Clementine." Ranboo said solemnly, and Clementine thanked him out loud.

    "Thank you, Ranboo." Clementine said out loud, and Tommy turned and stared. "Ok, two things. HOW DID YOU SAY THAT OUT LOUD I THOUGHT YOU ONLY COMMUNICATED THROUGH THOUGHTS?!?! And how do you know Ranboo's name?!" Tommy asked, and Clementine also replied to this out loud.

     "To answer your first question, I can talk out loud, but I usually don't because I usually just want to talk to one person or want to tell someone something private. To answer your second question, I can look through everyone's memories, which means that I can also see the names of the people you know." Clementine said, and Tubbo stared at Clementine with wide eyes.

    "So you immediately know everyone's secrets? That is so cool and poggers! Also, Clementine sounds like a very pog name." Tubbo said excitedly while stroking Benson's small head. "Yes, I do! So that means I don't need introductions!" Clementine said cheerfully, and Tommy remembered something.

    "But seriously Tubbo, how do you know the duck?" Tommy asked curiously from his spot on the small bench at the end of Tubbo's bed. Tubbo looked at the duck with a smile, and the duck quacked happily at Tubbo.

    "When I was a kid, I would always ask my dad for a pet bee or a pet duck. I kept on asking him about it until one day, he finally got me Benson! He told me that bees didn't live for very long, so that's why he got me Benson!" Tubbo said happily, and the duck, whose name was Benson apparently, nuzzled Tubbo's hand lovingly.

    "Aww, that's sweet Tubbo! But why didn't you have him before?" Ranboo asked, and Tubbo's expression immediately darkened. "Before my dad abandoned me, he took Benson away from me. He said it was so he wouldn't get lost. But I could have taken better care of Benson than he ever could." Tubbo said bitterly.

    "Oh... I'm sorry for asking that question Tubbo..." Ranboo said, his voice laced with sympathy. Tubbo sighed, then shook his head. "No, it's ok. You would have found out sooner or later, anyway. But Tommy, how did you even get Clementine and Benson!?" Tubbo said as he turned to Tommy. Tommy told the two everything about his journey, and Tubbo and Ranboo listened carefully.

    After he explained and talked to them both for a little longer, he took Clementine, told everyone good night, and headed towards his room. He looked around and immediately went straight to his closet. He took the clothes that didn't fit him anymore and made a large pile of them. "Clem, is there any specific place you want to rest in for the night?" Tommy asked as he turned to the floating axe.

    "No Tommy, but thank you for the offer! It really warms my heart that you would care about this." Clementine told him through his thoughts cheerfully. Tommy nodded and did his best to make a comfortable bed out of the clothes that didn't fit him anymore. He finished the pile next to his bed, and Clementine immediately rushed to the bed.

    "It feels very comfortable Tommy, thank you so much!" Clementine said cheerfully, and Tommy nodded with a smile on his face. "Your welcome, and also, I don't know if magical weapons like you need sleep, so just wake me up if you need something, ok?" Tommy said. "Ok!" Clementine replied, and snuggled into the pile. Tommy smiled, turned the lights off, and went to bed.

"Goodnight, Clementine."

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