Chapter 41

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    Tommy sucked in a large breath as he realized that it was Phantom. "O-oh, h-hey Phantom! Lovely night, isn't it?" Tommy said as he slowly backed away. Phantom kept a serious face on, however. "How are you alive? I thought you fell off that building." Phantom said as he walked closer to Tommy.

    Tommy scoffed. "You sound like you want me dead." Tommy said with an eye roll. "Maybe I do." Phantom said with a small smile. Tommy's eyes widened as he registered what Phantom said. "W-what?" Tommy stuttered quietly as he kept on walking backwards.

    "B-but you can't do that! If you catch me, you have to give me up to the police! You can't kill me!" Tommy tried his best not to stammer as he almost reached the edge of the building. Tommy looked closer into Phantom's eyes and saw raging anger mixed with a hint of sadness.


    I made myself visible and watched the vigilante suck in a large breath. "O-oh, h-hey Phantom! Lovely night, isn't it?" The boy said as he started to back away. "How was he alive?!" I thought. Then everything became white and a different scene appeared in front of me.

    I sucked in a loud breath as I realized where I was. I was on the same rooftop I was on a second ago when I was talking to the vigilante. I turned to see a boy with horns in front of me. "H-hey, Phantom?" The boy asked me, and I felt a pit appear in my stomach. "Y-yes?" I said, trying my best not to stammer. "I've been thinking about something." The boy said, looking at his shoes.

    "What is it?" I said, trying my best to put on a smile, even though I knew what was coming next. "I'm not going to be a vigilante anymore." The boy said, taking deep breaths. "W-what do you mean?" I asked. "I'm becoming a villain." The boy said, clearly trying his best not to stammer either. "W-what? Why?" I asked as I felt a lump in my throat appear.

    "I-" The boy said, then took a large breath and continued his sentence. "I'M TIRED OF JUST LIVING IN YOUR SHADOW! EVERYBODY ONLY SEES YOU, AND NEVER ME! EVEN PH1LZA AND BLADE DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME! EVEN THE PEOPLE THAT WE'VE SAVED ONLY SEE YOU. I'M GOING TO BECOME A VILLAIN SO I DON'T HAVE TO LIVE IN YOUR STUPID SHADOW ANYMORE." The boy yelled, a steady stream of tears now flowing down his face.

    "W-what?" I said as I felt tears prick my own eyes. "I-I'm tired of this life Phantom. I thought we really could be the best of friends, but I guess not." The boy said as visible anger brewed up inside the boy in front of him. "I'm going to make a name for myself. I'm going to make myself be feared. I'm tired of helping people Phantom." The boy said, a few broken sobs breaking the silence which came after the boy said this.

    "And my life as a villain will begin with ending you." The boy said as he looked up at me, and a dangerous glint appeared in his eye. The boy raised his fist and pounced on me, pinning me to the roof of the building we were standing on. He started punching my face and saying the same words over and over again.

    "I HATE YOU PHANTOM! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" The boy screamed, tears dripping down his face and onto my shirt. I was too shocked to react and just stayed there, letting him punch my face, which was now covered in my own tears.

    The boy reached into his belt and pulled out a small blade. He raised the blade and started attacking my frozen body, making blood pour out of the new wounds. His words filled my ears as he attacked me, and I let out a racked sob. I heard Ph1LzA and Blade coming up behind me, making the boy run off into the evening.

    "What happened to you?!" Ph1LzA said as he picked me up. I explained to him and just as I finished, we reached the nearest hospital. As they rushed me into the Emergency Room, I heard the nurse say that I had almost died. As everything became white again, I came back to the scene where the vigilante was standing in front of me. Except, I didn't see a scared and confused boy.

I saw a boy with horns.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now