Chapter 43

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    After five minutes, the cloud of glitter disappeared. I wildly looked around, searching for a trace of the vigilante. When I found nothing, I let out a scream filled with rage and punched the wall nearest to me in anger. Hard. I looked at some of the remaining glitter on the floor, then started to try to piece things together. But before I could start, another thought interrupted my thoughts.

    "Why did I tell the vigilante about him?" I thought as I stared at the glitter. "It's not like he can use it against me, right?" I thought as doubt crept up on me. I shook myself and cleared my thoughts. "No, there's no possible way he can use it against me. Besides, these stupid vigilantes need to learn their place. They need to know that they're not wanted and only cause trouble." I told myself firmly as I flew down the building and landed softly on the street.

    "HOW COULD THE BRAT GET AWAY FROM ME!? I HAD HIM CORNERED!" I yelled in rage as I punched another wall, and small cracks appeared. I stared in shock at the cracks, which resembled a spiderweb, and tried my best to calm down. After an attempt to calm down, which was successful, I got my thoughts together and took off into the night.


    I was jumping across the roofs to blow some steam off when I heard some scuttling beneath me. I didn't think much about it and continued to jump, but then I heard muffled noises. Slightly alarmed, I peered over the edge of the roof to see someone pressing a gun to another person's head.

I dropped down from the roof soundlessly and went closer to the two people in an attempt to see who they were. I could faintly hear what the two were saying. "Be quiet or else." the person with the gun said, putting emphasis on the word 'else'. I went closer and once I saw who it was, my jaw almost dropped.

    Tommy let out a sigh of relief as he saw Phantom take off into the night. He changed out of his vigilante outfit, stuffed it into his backpack, and cautiously walked out from behind his hiding spot and made his way to the apartment, his heart still thumping furiously in his chest.

    As he walked to the apartment, he couldn't help but feel that he was being watched closely. He remembered what happened last time he felt that he was being watched, and he turned around and looked around. "Hello?" He asked uncertainly.

    He half expected someone to step out of the shadows, but that didn't happen. He let out a sigh and walked faster. Then he was pulled into an alley with a hand covering his mouth. "Ugh. Great." Tommy said as he rolled his eyes sarcastically.

    "Be quiet or else." The person said, and Tommy could feel a gun being pressed to his head. "Or else what?" Tommy mumbled through the hand that covered his mouth. "Or else I'll shoot." The person said, proving his point by pressing the gun harder into Tommy's head.

    Tommy looked up at the roof as he heard someone walking to the edge. He tried to get a closer look, but before he could, the person dropped down from the roof and came towards us. As they stepped out of the shadows, I could see their face, which was illuminated by the gentle glow of the moon. When I saw who it was, my jaw dropped, and I internally rolled my eyes.

It was Phantom.


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