Chapter 40

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    Tommy let out a loud sigh of relief as he felt the wind blow against him. "It felt so good to be out on patrol again!" Tommy thought as he let out a laugh and started to jump across rooftops. He talked happily with Bee and Ender as he jumped across the roofs.

    He looked down and saw someone harassing someone else. He quietly leaped down and crept along the shadows to get a better view. It was a masked man harassing a woman who seemed to be in her early twenties. The mask of the man was very poorly made, Tommy realized with a snicker.

    It looked as if someone had taken a rather large sock, cut three holes for two eyes and a mouth, and jammed it over their head. The man looked ridiculous, and Tommy had to try his best to try not to laugh and blow his cover. When the man started to get physical, Tommy stepped in and kicked the man to the floor.

    The man groaned and Tommy yelled to the woman to get out of here. Using this as an opportunity, the man quickly flipped Tommy over and pinned Tommy to the ground. Tommy raised his knee and kicked him hard then punched his nose. As the man staggered back, Tommy realized that blood was soaking through the mask. After two more quick blows to the man's head, the man became unconscious.

    He ran out of the alley and spotted the woman who was watching with a very pale face. "T-thank you." She stammered, and Tommy told her that it was no problem. After making sure that she was home safe, he gave her a two-finger salute and took off into the night.

    After the usual routine, which usually meant finding muggers in alleys, kidnappers, and so on. As he dusted his hands off, he heard Bee's voice through the earpiece. "Hey, I upgraded your belt a bit!" Bee said, clearly proud of himself. Tommy grinned at his best friend, then realized Bee couldn't see him.

    "Thanks, Bee!" Tommy said with a grin. "If you want, I could tell you some cool buttons!" Bee said cheerfully, and Tommy instantly said yes. One of the upgrades was that he could press a button on the side, and a pouch would appear that contained smoke bombs.

    There were also glitter bombs, other types of distractions to use, and even a cool weapon. Tommy gaped in amazement and wonder as Bee walked him through each one of the buttons with a smile. When they were done, Tommy thanked Bee again. "You know Bee, for someone who can only get off his bed once a week, you're really smart!" Tommy said with a wide grin, and Bee happily said you're welcome.

    After patrolling for a while, Tommy noticed that it was quiet. A little too quiet. He felt that something was off, and looked around. He didn't see anything, so he kept walking, but he couldn't help but feel that someone was watching him. After a while, he couldn't shake the feeling off and immediately spun around holding a weapon in his hand.

    "I know that you're watching me, so whoever you are, come out and show yourself!" Tommy said as he looked around. A few feet ahead of him, the air shimmered slightly, then started to shimmer more. A while later, the shimmering stopped, and in the place of the shimmering stood a person. And not just any person.

It was Phantom.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora