Chapter 139

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    I stared at Mama, who was humming the tune to a song while doing something. I remember Papa talking to Uncle Techno about a kid whom they had rescued. The kid had been... I think the word was... abused? Well, the kid had been abused by their parents, and he had to be taken to the hospital immediately. I wonder if this is abuse... "Does this count as abuse?" I thought.

    "You know, we could change your name. Like maybe 'Flora', or 'Fiona'..." Mama said as she looked over at me. I stared at her in disbelief. "Nothing boyish, though. "Georgiana" doesn't seem to suit you too much..." Mama muttered. Her phone dinged, and she pulled it out of her pocket to look at it.

    "Ooh, two more days till the Festival!" She said. My eyes lit up at the sound of the Festival. "Ugh I want to go but I have to keep an eye on you, you disgraceful brat." She said as she glared at me. I flinched under her stony gaze and looked away. Her phone dinged again and she looked down at it again. "Huh. Well, that's surprising." She muttered.

    "Darling, Mama has to go do something... And I can't leave you here, what if your Papa found you? So, you're coming with me!" She said with a smile as if she expected me to be happy. I just stared at her blankly. Then the gears in my head started turning. If she was letting me go outside, then I could try to get help! I nodded slowly, and her smile quickly turned into a snarl.

    "However, if you do anything, and I mean ANYTHING that might get someone to help you, I will cut both of your arms off. Or legs. It doesn't matter which ones I cut off, huh?" She said all of this with a psychotic grin and muttered the last sentence. She walked towards me, and I flinched and tried to scoot back, but she walked past me and stood behind me as she grabbed something off a table.

    "Try to move as much as you can, got it?" She said as she moved her hands. I knew not to trust her, so I made sure to stay perfectly still. She was clearly annoyed that I didn't move at all. "Ugh." She muttered, then cut the rope on my wrists, so now I could move my hands freely. But Mama being Mama, she made sure to cut some part of me too. I barely flinched as she sliced my hand and she noticed.

    "Oh, so you think you're a strong girl now, eh?" She said, then walked so now she was in front of me. She kneeled on the ground and cut the rope on my legs, but when she cut the rope on the green leg, she made sure to cut deep into my leg.

    I let out a muffled yelp of pain, which made my lips stretch. My lips stretching caused the thread to pull harder against my lips, which doubled the pain. "Not so strong now, are you?" She said with a grin. Then she spoke again as she looked at the door.

"Get up, we have to go somewhere."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now