Chapter 103

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    "BLADE!! I SWEAR, UNMUTE US VOICES!!!" A voice said, and that did it for the other voices. They started talking so loud, that they weren't muted anymore. My eyes widened in shock as the realization hit me.

    "HOW DID YOU UNMUTE YOURSELVES?!!?" I said in shock as I watched TommyInnit and his team start running, and we started chasing them. "Now Blade, there's always that doubt you feel when something's off. You're smarter than this BladE. See each corner good sir, or else I will just falter." A voice said, and I groaned.

    "I am now going to drive you insane." A second voice said, and then started screeching loudly. I stopped running for a second, and put my hands on my head as I attempted to block out the horrible screeching. It sounded like someone dragging their nails across a chalkboard.

    "I'm muting you again." I muttered and attempted to mute them again. I think I was successful, but before I completely muted them, a voice said something but got cut off. "Nooooo~ You can't just mut-" They said, then got muted.

    I sighed with relief and watched as Phantom threw the dagger at TommyInnit, the blade grazing his ear and I think it drew a bit of blood. I started running after them and quickly caught up. "Watch out, they have smoke and glitter bombs, and it's so thick you can't see a thing." Phantom warned as he almost grabbed TommyInnit. Then someone started screaming as smoke surrounded everyone.


    "There! It's not perfect, but it will do for now." Mama said as she stepped back from me. Her phone dinged, and she checked it. "The L'Manburg festival is in three days...?!" She muttered, then shook her head. My eyes lit up a tiny bit when I heard her say that. "Maybe Papa's going to come for me soon!" I thought happily. If I still had my tail, it would probably be wagging with excitement.

    "Alright, I'm going to untie you, but don't even think of escaping. If you do, I'll make sure to end your pathetic life." She said through clenched teeth, and I gulped and nodded. She went behind me and untied my hands. I slowly pulled my hands out in front of me, and tears formed in my eyes as I felt my arm burn.

    I was a bit used to the pain, but it still hurt a lot. She threw a hand mirror at me, and I picked it up with trembling hands. My eyes widened in horror as I looked at my reflection. I had some pink powder thing on my eyelids, some blush, some liquid thingy that made my eyelashes longer, and lipstick on. There was a long pink wig on my head which looked kind of real, and I was wearing cat headphones.

    "Put this skirt on instead. You'll look like a real girl then." Mama said as she handed me a pink and white skirt with a pair of really long white socks. "Your shoes are fine, I guess. Now hurry the actual frick up. Or do you want me to shove a knife through your arm again?" She asked, and I whimpered and shook my head no. She untied my legs, and I quickly put the clothes on.

    "Now, I would cut you up and let your rot in this place, but your stupid Papa would probably find you. So we have to go for a walk because a group of stupid vigilantes and your Papa is heading right towards us. If Blade smells the blood, he will instantly check here. And the voices will only help him even further." Mama said. She put a wig on her head, making it look like she had short, blond hair.

    "We are going to make them think you're somewhere else now. Of course, after we take a long walk, we're coming right back here and your suffering will continue, but even I need some fresh air. And I can not risk your Papa finding you." Mama said, and then looked back at me.

    "Now you look like a real girl! So pretty and beautiful... you were just confused because you grew up with so many boys! Right?" Mama asked, and I trembled and shook my head. Her eyes darkened and she walked up to me.

    "You. Are. A. Girl. Your name is Georgiana, not Fundy. Just look at yourself!" Mama said as she pushed the mirror in my face. I shook my head and turned away as I started crying. I heard Mama scoff and pull a blade out.

    "Oh for the love of God, shut up. No one wants to hear your pathetic whining." She said as she rolled my sleeve up. I started crying more, and I let out quiet sobs. "You're ruining your makeup. Shut. Up!" She said, and then shoved the blade into my upper arm. I screamed and cried as Mama grinned.

"Now, behave like a good little girl, and let's go for a walk.


    "SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENING!" Bee yelled. "SBI IS AFTER US FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON-" Ender said, and tried running faster. "SBI?!!? HOW ON EARTH- Okay, I'm not going to question it." Bee asked. "Wait, Phantom has super-hearing, right?" Tommy asked. "Yes!" Purpled said, starting to get out of breath.

    "Alright, then listen up. Purpled, quickly throw a smoke bomb. The smoke will cause a distraction, while Ender, you get ready to teleport. After Purpled throws the bomb, Purpled and Minx, both of you grab Ender's hand. Ender will teleport you to our apartment, and then I'll start screaming so Phantom will probably cover his ears and shut his eyes. He might momentarily even stop his super-hearing, and then Ender, after you drop Purpled and Minx off, teleport back to me, and then we'll try to fight them off and see what they want. Sound like a good plan?" Tommy said as he continued running.

    "It's okay from me!" Minx said. "Alright, when I say go, start the plan." Tommy said as Clementine vibrated in his pocket, letting him know that they were fine with the plan. As soon as they jumped to a building with a very large rooftop, Tommy made sure everyone was with him. Then, after he made sure SBI were still a rooftop away, he gave everyone the signal.


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