Chapter 47

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    Tommy waited, unsure of which office to walk into. He quickly whipped out his phone and asked him to see who's assistant he was. Immediately a typing bubble appeared, and Tubbo responded by saying "Phantom :)". Tommy typed back a quick "Thanks!" and pocketed his phone. He walked towards the door that said Phantom and knocked on the door.

    "Come in!" could be heard from behind the door. When Tommy slowly opened the door, he saw Phantom coughing into a handkerchief. "Are you ok?" Tommy asked, uncertain about what to say. Phantom then looked up and his face lit up when he saw it was Tommy, or in his eyes, Timothy.

    "Nothing, but I think that your city gave me asthma". He said with a smile, and Tommy felt a bit panicked. "Are you serious?" He asked, and Phantom laughed. "No, I'm just kidding. But seriously, how do you live in a place like that? The air quality is so bad." He said with a small laugh.

    Tommy shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I just got used to it. Anyways, what do I have to do for today?" He asked. Phantom motioned for him to sit down, and then he started to talk. "So today you just have to sort through some files and take care of some other stuff for me." He said.

    "By the way, I already set up an office for you, so you don't have to worry about it. When you exit the room, just turn to the right and there will be an office that has your name on it. Also, sometimes you will take care of Ph1LzA and Blade's stuff too. Though mostly you will take care of my stuff." He says with a smile. Tommy nodded and got up to leave.

    After saying goodbye, he walked out of the office and looked around for his office. He spotted it pretty quickly and opened the door. When he looked inside, his jaw nearly dropped at the sight of what was inside the office.

    He had never seen such a luxurious office before. The walls were a cream colour, the desk was large and made of polished dark wood, there was a large light grey sofa on one side of the wall. There were two lamps above the sofa, and a laptop and a computer on the desk.

    There were a few shelves behind the desk, and a clock above the brown leather chair. He went over to the chair and tried his best to suppress a laugh. "Yeah, this leather is definitely not vegan." He thought as he thought of the old lady he had a terrible encounter with a week ago.

    He sat down and opened the laptop. After a few hours, which passed by very quickly, he was done. He looked at the time and couldn't help but feel a bit proud of himself. "And just in time for lunch too." He thought as he got up from his chair and stretched a bit.

    He then sent Phantom an Email telling him that he was done, then made his way to the elevator. Once inside, he was greeted by Sam Nook once more. He smiled and said hello to him. "Welcome back Timothy! Where do you want to go?" Sam Nook asked. "Uhm, which floor has the cafeteria?" Tommy asked. "Would you like to go to the cafeteria floor?" Sam Nook asked as Tommy nodded.

    A few seconds later, they were on the cafeteria floor. He thanked Sam Nook and left, looking around for Purpled, hoping he was here. To his great relief, he was. He walked over to Purpled's table after he got his lunch, and sat down next to him. "Surprise!" He said with a grin, and Purpled stared in shock. "Also remember what I said at the cafe." Tommy said in a whisper, and Purpled nodded.

    After a while, he left and went back to the SBI floor. He met Phantom, who was waiting for him outside the elevator. "is there anything you need, Mr. Phantom?" Tommy asked, trying not to laugh at how weird it sounded to say "Mr. Phantom". 

    "Timothy, there is no need to address me like that! Just call me Phantom." He said with a smile, and Tommy nodded. "Well, I just wanted to say that the work you did was outstanding, and there is no more work for you today so you can leave early!" He said with a large smile, and Tommy's eyes widened.

    "Really?!" Tommy asked, not believing it. Phantom just nodded. "Mhm!" He said, and Tommy thanked him and left the building. It took him about five minutes because the building was huge. He quickly made his way to the train station which wasn't too far away, hopped on the next train, and after around twenty minutes, he was back in front of his apartment.

    He made his way upstairs and saw Ranboo talking with Tubbo on the sofa. He sat down on a chair and asked what they were talking about. "Well, I hurt my ankle and now it hurts so much." Ranboo said as he winced at the end. "Well eat some of Niki's food. Simple!" Tommy said as he leaned back, and Tubbo smacked his forehead.

    "Of course! Why didn't I think about that?" Tubbo said, and Tommy let out a small laugh. After giving Ranboo a slice of Niki's cake that they had saved, Ranboo immediately felt better. "Well my friend, I guess that proves to show that sometimes we just have to pog through the pain, my dear friend." Tommy said with a smile, and Ranboo immediately lit up.

    "You consider me a friend?!?" Ranboo asked eagerly, and Tommy rolled his eyes. Even though he was wearing a mask and sunglasses, his smile could be clearly heard in his voice. "Shut up." He mumbled, and they all laughed. After a while of talking with them, Tommy went to his room to practice his moves with his staff. Then after he perfected his moves, he thought about the top three heroes. 

For some reason, something was pulling him towards wherever they lived.

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