Chapter 100

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    I smiled and watched as Tubbo put his hand out. I slipped the ring on his finger, and he smiled.  "Bossman, why were you so nervous?" He asked, and I shrugged, then heard three cheers from behind me. "GREAT JOB, RANBOO!" Tommy yelled excitedly. I looked back to see Tubbo grinning. "Patrol of celebration?" Tubbo asked, and I smiled and nodded.

    "Wait.. why were there three cheers?" Purpled asked, and I saw a flash of panic on Tommy's face. "N-Nothing! You were probably just hearing things." Tommy said, and Purpled nodded, but I knew he was still sceptical. I looked out Tubbo's window and saw that it was almost nighttime.

    "I won't change, but I'll still talk to you guys!" Tubbo said, and we all nodded and grinned. "Well, we all should go and change, then we'll head out." Purpled said, and we nodded. Tommy and Purpled then left and went to change, leaving me with Tubbo. And Benson.

    "You know, as a joke, I was so tempted to say "No, I want money in return.", but I decided against it." Tubbo said with a laugh, and Benson stared. I smiled and nodded. "Oh, so you're a gold digger then, huh?" I said with a small smile, and Tubbo burst into laughter. "Oh yes. Ranboo, you have much money in your bank account. Please marry me." He said with a grin. I burst into laughter, and then soon both of us were crying tears of laughter.

    Benson rolled his beady eyes and climbed up Tubbo's shirt. He climbed up Tubbo's hair, with a bit of difficulty, then sat down on top of his head and glared down at me. "Well, I'll transform then wait for the two of them, and then we'll leave. Alright?" I asked Tubbo, and he smiled and nodded. I got up, moved aside, and then transformed.

    Unlike Tommy and Purpled, I didn't need to change my clothes. To be honest, I wanted to change the world, but sometimes I couldn't change my clothes. Out of laziness, of course. All I had to do was transform, and then I would be in my outfit. I turned back to see Tommy and Purpled stepping back into the room.

    "Well, bye Mr Gold Digger!" I said with a small laugh, and Tubbo grinned. "Bye Oreo Boy!" Tubbo said with a laugh. Tommy and Purpled shared confused looks, then shrugged. "So which area first?" I asked as we stepped out of the apartment and into the night. Tommy immediately, with no hesitation, answered my question, and Purpled and I agreed immediately.

"We're going to find out where that kid is."


    "While you're wasting time, Fundy is slowly getting more and more traumatized, and if you don't hurry the actual frick up, he will grow up to become an E-Boy Discord Kitten." A voice said, and I stopped. "Chat, what the actual frick-" I muttered, and more voices started talking.

    "Who wants some cooked salmon tonight?" A voice said. "Me!" Another said. "Baked in an oven that has been thrown into the sun please!" A third one said. "I love salmon!... When they are dead and this one is burning in hell where she belongs." A fourth voice said. "Oh, and listen to her screams and begs to stop!" A fifth voice said, then laughed demonically. "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LORD!" A sixth one said. "E." A seventh voice said.

    "Chat, sometimes you make me scared of you- Oh, and shut up for like five seconds, I can barely think straight. The quieter you are, the closer we can get to Fundy." I said, getting a bit annoyed. Everyone immediately shut up, and I smiled. I stepped out of my room after finishing putting my hair in a braid. I saw Phantom literally shaking with anticipation.

    "Calm down, Phantom. We're leaving now. Did you two say bye to your mother?" Ph1LzA asked as he checked his hat. Phantom nodded. "Can we leave now? Please?" Phantom asked, and Ph1LzA nodded.

    "Alright, let's go." Ph1LzA said as he opened a large window, sat on the windowsill, and jumped. Since he had wings, he started flying. "You two go ahead, I have to close the window." Ph1LzA said, and we nodded. Phantom phased through the wall and jumped down onto the building below us.

    Since he was in his ghost form, he took no fall damage. I jumped out and landed quietly on the roof next to Phantom. Ph1LzA then locked the window, and we started heading towards District 17. When we got there, Phantom froze, and walked towards the edge of one building. "What is it, Phantom?" I asked. I saw him grit his teeth in anger, and then he spoke through clenched teeth.

"TommyInnit is standing right there."

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