Chapter 107

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    Tommy grinned and looked up at Bee, then paused. Bee had slightly removed his mask and was sucking on something on his hand. "Bee what the frick is that-?!" Tommy asked, and Bee looked down at him and removed his hand from near his, mouth.

    "It's a ring pop!" Bee said happily and continued to suck on the ring. "Wha- Where did you get a ring pop?" Tommy asked, and Clementine floated out of Tommy's hand and hovered beside him. "Ender proposed to me with this? I thought you knew that, you were literally there-" Bee said, now confused. Tommy whipped around to look at Ender.

    "Did you propose to Bee with a freaking ring pop?!!?" Tommy asked, and Ender nodded as he backed away slowly. "THEN WHAT HAPPENED TO THE RING YOU SHOWED ME?!" Tommy sputtered. "Uhhhh-" Ender said, and then Clementine cut him off.

    "We can solve this later, let's find Fundy first, ok?" Clementine said, and Bee nodded. "Ok!" Bee said, and then pulled his mask back up. They followed the heroes to a rooftop where they were looking at the sidewalk below. Tommy looked back and saw Bee and Ranboo laughing at some joke. Tommy felt a pang of loneliness, but he covered it up with fake annoyance.

    "Can you two stop your platonic Romeo and Juliet shit for one second and focus on the task at hand?" Tommy asked, now a bit annoyed. "Sorry!" Bee muttered, and Tommy nodded and looked down at the sidewalk. He narrowed his eyes and looked closer at the two dark figures which were getting closer. Soon, they came closer to the streetlamp and Tommy could see them more clearly.

    It was a woman, walking with someone who seemed to be her daughter. The woman had short blonde hair, and the girl had long... hot pink hair? Phantom looked down at the pair and started looking closely at the girl. Tommy highly doubted the girl's hair was natural... "Wait... There is a high possibility it is a wig..." Tommy thought, and then his eyes widened.

"Oh my god."


    I looked down at the two figures walking below us. I saw the girl look up at me for a split second and her eyes widened. I watched as she smiled with relief, held her hands up and started making hand signs. I became a bit confused but continued looking. I then realized she was speaking in sign language, and I whipped around.

    "Do any of you guys know sign language?" I asked the group, and TommyInnit nodded. "Yeah, why?" He asked as he didn't take his eyes off the duo either. "This girl's saying something. Look." I said as I motioned towards the girl, who nodded and looked at TommyInnit. She repeated the motions, and TommyInnit's eyes widened.

    He immediately jumped down from the roof and quietly landed in between the girl and her mother. TommyInnit looked up at us as he held the Axe of Pe- I mean Clementine and motioned at us to come down. "COME ON!" He said, and the mother whipped around, and her eyes widened.

    "Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?!" She said in a high-pitched voice, which was clearly fake. I jumped down and stood beside TommyInnit, and the others quickly followed. Well, Bee hovered above us. "Get away from the kid." Ender said as he pulled the girl behind him.

    "No, you get away from my daughter!" She said and tried to push through us. I felt the girl whimper and looked down at her and smiled. "Hey, it'll be alright, ok?" I said to the girl, and she shook her head. She wasn't speaking, which worried me.

    "SOMEONE PULL ON HIS HAIR!" Clementine yelled, and I looked at them. "Him? Who's him?" I asked. "THE CHILD, YOU COMPLETE FOOL!" Clementine yelled again, causing me to look down at the girl. "But she looks like a gi-" I once again got cut off by Clementine.

    "DON'T SPEAK A WORD, JUST LISTEN TO ME!" Clementine said, and I thought I heard a tone of anger in their voice. I gently tugged on the kid's hair, and nothing happened. "TUG ON IT HARDER, PHANTOM!" Clementine yelled, and I tugged harder as the kid winced, but didn't argue. Instead, I saw tears of what seemed like happiness and relief as I tugged harder.

    To my surprise, her hair came off, and underneath was short, ginger hair which was matted with something red, and my eyes widened in realization as tears of happiness pricked my eyes. I didn't take my eyes off the kid, who was now crying tears of relief, and I started crying too as I clapped my hand to my mouth in shock.


"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora