Chapter 168

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    After Niki made sure the cake was finished, the five of them headed out towards the Bench Trio's apartment. "Well I heard there was a special place..." Niki sang quietly as she walked. Puffy looked over at her for a split second then looked back at the road. "Where men could go and emancipate..." She continued in the same quiet tone. Tommy looked at the two women with a raised eyebrow. "What are you two singing?" He asked, a bit confused.

    "Oh, it's L'Manburg's old anthem." Niki hummed with a smile. "Yeah, L'Manburg actually used to be a small country. There was a tyrant at the time L'Manburg was created, and four friends came together to try to break off from the tyrant's country." Puffy explained.

    "It cost them a lot but in the end they got their country. This was the old version of the anthem until later when the tyrant was overthrown and L'Manburg merged back into the country. L'Manburg then grew and became a major city in DreamSMP. Even at some times it feels like L'Manburg is a country on it own, doesn't it, Niki?" Puffy asked, and Niki smiled and nodded.

    "Didn't ask for a history lesson but okay." Tommy muttered and Puffy punched his arm playfully. "Oh, stop it. You and I both know you found it interesting." Puffy said with an eye roll. Tommy returned the eye roll, but a very exaggerated version of it. "Did not." He said. "Did too." Puffy said.

    "Did not!" He said. "Did too!" Puffy retorted. They kept on bickering until they reached the Bench Trio's apartment, and even then they didn't notice until Niki broke them up. "Come on, we're here!" Niki said excitedly as she opened the door and immediately went to the stairs. She rushed up them quickly and tried not to drop the cake.

    The rest of them followed and Tommy quietly unlocked and opened the door. He motioned for the others to be quiet and tiptoed forward and quietly shout the door behind all of them. They could hear Tubbo talking to someone about money in the kitchen and Quackity talking to Ranboo in the living room. Tommy quietly entered the living room and looked at Ranboo.

    "Clementine, could you help me please?" Tommy asked with puppy dog eyes. "Okay!" They said, and focused their attention on Ranboo. "Ranboo, we have arrived." They said to Ranboo in his mind and his eyes widened. He looked around quickly and his eyes met Tommy's. Tommy motioned for him to be quiet. Ranboo thought about something, and Clementine responded.

    "Yes, we have the cake." They said, and Ranboo let out a sigh of relief. Tommy nodded and motioned for the others to follow him. Quackity saw Tommy and grinned as he gave him a wave. Tommy returned the grin as Ranboo got up and pointed at the kitchen. They all nodded and slowly walked to the kitchen to surprise Tubbo. They quietly approached the entrance to the kitchen and peeked around the corner at Tubbo to see what he was doing.

    Turns out the person he was talking to was Benson, who was quacking happily as he handed Tubbo things to help him out. Tubbo was washing the dishes and was placing all the utensils on the counter. Benson was picking them up with his beak and placing them on a napkin where they would dry. Everyone quietly came in and Tommy held up one finger.

    "On the count of three." He mouthed and everyone nodded. "One." He mouthed and everybody took their places. "Two."  He mouthed as he held up another finger and Niki held the cake a bit higher. Tommy held up a third finger and they all grinned. Then they yelled one word in unison.


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