Chapter 177

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    I tried my best to control my breathing but it was practically impossible. I looked at Dad and heard him say something, but it was a bit fuzzy. However, I knew he said that he would be right back. He pushed me towards the wall, got up, and then left.

    "We're always on the verge of violence, Techno. You know this." A voice said. "You know you can't fight the urge." Another voice said, a bit hauntingly. "Yes I can!" I said, pushing myself up against the wall. "You sure about that?" A voice said. "We're burning higher than this, this is just a warm up." A voice said and I shuddered.

    "Only a warm up?!" I questioned shakily. "Yeah, once you give in, we're painting this whole city red." A voice said in a cheery voice. "Come on, we know you're angry, Techno. We're your voices, we know how you're feeling. Just let it all out." A voice said coaxingly. I shook my head furiously. "N-No!" I said, pulling my knees towards my chest.

    "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!" The voices chanted, and I grabbed the nearest thing I could find and threw it against the wall. "THERE! VIOLENCE!" I said exasperatedly, not knowing how much longer I could deal with the voices. "You call that violence?" A voice said. "You have to keep your vow~" A voice said in a sing song voice.

    "Please. You broke the vow first." I muttered. When I was around six or seven, the voices and I came to an agreement. They wouldn't demand violence, and I would take their non-violent words into consideration. "Blood." A voice said. "YOU JUST DEMANDED VIOLENCE!" I said with a groan.

    "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" A voice said and I paused. "W-What?" I said, holding my breath. All the voices immediately became silent. "He doesn't know about that yet, you idiot!" A voice hissed and the first voice cowered. "Sorry!" They said in a meek voice. "No, what was that about a Blood God?" I said, still holding my breath.

    "It doesn't matter. WE WANT VIOLENCE!" A voice said and the voices started again. "WE WANT IT NOW!" The voices chanted. "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!" The voices chanted. So now half of the voices were chanting about blood while the other half was chanting about them wanting it now. "You won't be able to stay in control, Techno. Just give in! Much easier and less time consuming." A voice siad and I shook my head.

    "No. I'm not killing someone just for your pleasure." I said sternly and the voices fired up. "We're the voices in your head." A voice said and I tried to roll my eyes. "Yeah, I already know that." I said. "We're gonna scream and shout WE WANT THEM DEAD!" The voices chanted and I buried my head in my knees. "SHUT UP!" I yelled and muted them. Everything was silent. My eyes widened in shock.

Did the muting finally have an effect on the voices?

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora