Chapter 114

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    "A POTION-?!!?" Tommy yelled and he saw Purpled's eyes widen. "Be quieter!" He said, his voice dripping with worry as he frantically glanced around. To Tommy, it seemed as if Purpled was afraid government officials would break the door down or come in from the windows when Tommy said 'potion'.

    "Oh wow, a hero doing something prohibited! Now that is something you do not see every day. I am at a loss for words." Clementine's voice said in Tommy's head, causing his eyes to widen. "CLEM, WHAT-" Tommy thought, but got cut off by Clementine.

    "My apologies, I was close to the door and could not resist the powerful urge to listen to your conversation. Please, forgive me." Clementine said and Tommy nodded. "No, it's fine, Clem. I was just a bit startled, that's all." Tommy thought.

    "Woah, Purpled, you made a drug?" Stretcher-Quackity said in astonishment. "Quackity, are you serious-?!" Purpled said and groaned. "Wait, if this is a potion, then it's got really powerful healing abilities, right?" Tubbo said as he held the potion in his hand. "Yes, but don-" Purpled said but was cut off by Tubbo drinking the whole bottle in one go.

    "Tubbo, you truly are my duckling." Stretcher-Quackity said proudly. Tubbo smiled, but Tommy could sense the worry coming off of Purpled. "Tubbo, that potion was a bit unstable..." Purpled said with wide eyes. "What? What do you mean?" Tubbo said.

    "There could have been some side effects, you were only supposed to drink a bit of it..." Purpled said as he retracted his hands and the ointment fully attached to Tubbo's back. "W-What?" Tommy said and he watched as realisation dawned on Tubbo's face.

    "B-But I feel better right now!" Tubbo said as he stretched his arms. "Huh? Ok, well exhaustion will definitely be a side effect of drinking the whole potion, so you should call it a night. And uhm, maybe try sleeping on your front or your side because the ointment is still a bit wet and I don't want it getting over your bed." Purpled said, and Tubbo nodded.

    "Can I take the blindfold off now?" Tubbo asked, and Purpled hurriedly put his cap back on and stopped glowing. "Yeah, I'll do it." Purpled said as he undid the knot and removed the blindfold.

    "Thanks a lot, Purpled." Tubbo said with a smile, and Purpled returned the smile with a nod. Tubbo tried getting up but stumbled a bit and Tommy rushed to help. "I've got you Tubs." Tommy said with a smile and Tubbo nodded gratefully. Tommy carefully helped Tubbo to the bed and Tubbo sat down. He heard a small poof and looked back to see Quackity in his normal form.

    "Oof, I am stiff." He muttered as he stretched. "So do you want me to bring everyone here or...?" Tommy said and Tubbo's eyes lit up as he nodded. "Also, Purpled, thanks a lot, it feels like my back is in cool water." Tubbo said with a smile and Purpled smiled and nodded.

    "Well, I'll go call everyone in." Quackity said as Purpled put everything back in the first-aid kit. "I'll follow you too." Purpled said as he picked up the first-aid kit and followed the winged man out of the room.

    Benson immediately hopped in Tubbo's lap and quacked for attention, causing Tubbo to smile and laugh. He looked up at Tubbo with worry in his eyes. "He's better now, Benson." Tommy said with a smile as he petted Benson's fluffy head. Clementine zoomed out of their hiding spot excitedly and floated in front of Tubbo.

"You were spectacular, Tubbo!"

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