Chapter 46

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    Tommy woke up and slammed his alarm clock, knocking it to the floor. "Oops." He thought as he got out of bed and looked at the alarm clock. He put the alarm clock back on the table, then got ready for work. When he left his room, he walked into the kitchen to see Ranboo making breakfast.

    "Oh my god, the emo enderman is making breakfast for me! How touching!" Tommy teased from the doorframe, and Ranboo jumped at the sound of his voice. "Shut up." He mumbled as he flipped whatever was on the grill. "And also, it's not for you, it's for Tubbo." Ranboo said as he turned to the grill.

    After a while, Ranboo placed a burger in front of Tommy. When he saw Tommy's puzzled expression, he immediately knew why he was staring at him. He took a step back and started talking.

    "Now you may be wondering, 'wheReS thE sEaSonInG?!'. And to you, I say:" He did an exaggerated laugh. "Guess what buddy this is Dream SMP. You know what you're getting?" He asked. "Ketchup." He said as he slammed a bottle of ketchup onto the table.

    Tommy just stared, looked at the burger with a blank look, then took the ketchup. He poured the ketchup inside the burger, then ate it in silence. After he finished, he stared at Ranboo with a raised eyebrow.

    "This was for Tubbo, huh?" Tommy said with a smirk, and Ranboo punched his arm. "You know what, maybe you're not too bad." Tommy said as he got up. Then he looked at the clock, panicked, quickly half-hugged Ranboo, then rushed out the door. "Tell Tubbo I said hi!" He yells as he closes the door.

    The train ride was a bit boring, but when they reached the main part in L'Manburg, Tommy just stared. He stared for a good five minutes, then remembered where he was and rushed to go to the headquarters.

    He walked into the doors and said hello to the person at the front desk. "Connor, huh?" Tommy thought as he read the person's name tag, which was pinned to the front of his shirt. They said hello back, then Tommy walked into the elevator, which was quite large for a normal elevator. He waited then heard a voice.

    "Hello! My name is Sam Nook, and I am an artificial intelligence side of this elevator." Sam Nook said, and Tommy jumped a bit when he heard Sam Nook's voice. "Oh, hello! My name is Timothy Simons!" Tommy said as he looked at the keypad.

    "Oh, you're the new guy, right?" Sam Nook said, and Tommy nodded, then thought that Sam Nook couldn't see him, so he replied 'yes'. He heard a laugh from the robot. "Oh, I can see you by the way!" Sam Nook said cheerfully. "And also, just tell me which floor you would want to go to, no one really uses the keypad, though I would assume that you would want to go to the SBI floor, correct?" Sam Nook said, and Tommy nodded.

After five seconds, the door opened, and Tommy was back in front of the three offices.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now