Chapter 33

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Original POV: Ellie

*A week and a half later* 

Four weeks before graduation, two weeks before prom.

"So, you said that I could talk to you if I had anything to talk to you about," I tell Trish as we walk in a store in the local mall. I know. Shocker. I was shopping with Trish. Big deal! But she's actually really fun to hang with and I can't wait for her to be my sister in law.

"Yes. That is what I said." She confirmed with the nod of her head. She turns to me with spark in her eyes, "What is it that you want to hear, Ellie? I'm totally up for it." She announced with pride.

"I'm having this problem, with—"

"Ace." She suddenly says, her eyes closed as if sensing it.

"How did you know?" I flushed.

She sighs and turns to me. "Ellie, I've been noticing it ever since he left your house that day. All awkward and what not. What was that all about by the way? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

"Nothing." I rubbed my arm as I looked at a cute top in the clearance rack. "He hurt me."

"You're not the only one who looked hurt." She said with promising eyes. "Ace...he...looked hurt, too. He left all awkwardly. It had me feeling bad for the guy, you know?"

"How can you tell?"

"Evan had that same look on his face when I told him I wanted a break." She sighs and shakes her head. "Biggest mistake I've ever made. My head was too far in the clouds, but that was long ago. I love him. He loves me. And now..." Her lips formed a smile. She started blushing.

"You two are getting married." I finished for her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Right." She nods, glancing at her engagement ring. "Tricia Weslen. Does that even sound right, Ellie? I mean, I've been kind of iffy about it. Should I just keep my original surname? Mitchell? Or should I just—"

"Do whatever it is that makes you happy." I tell her, frowning just a little.

"I would." She sighed again while glancing at a pair of jeans on display. "But it's not what Evan wants. He wants me to go with Weslen, Ellie."

"Why should you listen to him?" I asked, exasperated. "You're vowing to stick with him for the rest of your life, to share everything with him and be by his side, not to obey him."

"Yes but being in a marriage isn't just about those things. It's about making amends that will suit both you and your partner. Evan's done a lot for me, Ellie. The least I could do is get my surname to be Weslen, to make him happy."

I stopped to think about what she was saying. She really is inteligent and smart for her age, being only twenty-two. What has Ace done for me in our relationship at all? He told me he claims he used to call me beautiful and amazing and smart. I've never heard any of those things from him. In fact, he made me feel...the total opposite. But somehow, deep down inside, I can't let him go. No matter what I do.

"Hey, while we're here, we should go and get a prom dress for you." She beamed, smiling.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Um...I'm not going to..." I trailed off from the moment I noticed the look in her face. Jesus, touchy much?

"Ellie, you can't not go to prom all because of your ex-boyfriend issues." She flips her hair in that annoying way most hot girls do, "Gosh. Prom is a once in a lifetime thing."

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