Chapter 60

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Trinity's POV

I was at a loss for where to look, where to drive. I ended up finding myself at a familiar place around 5 am. 

There's no way it's a coincidence that I'm here. 

Maybe my subconsciousness brought me, maybe it just so happened that the roads lead this way. 

"Trin, where are you now?" Kennedy asked. 

"I'll be back." I said as I parked my car. I hung up, shoved the phone in my pocket, and got ouf ot the car. 

I found myself outside of the coffee shop where we first met. 

I stood outside for a good 2 minutes, trying to make myself believe she would be in there, even though I knew there was no way. 

I stepped inside, realizing it's been a really long time since I've been in here. 

Instead of scanning the room, my eyes went immediately to that table. The one where we met. 

She wasn't there. 

I scanned the rest of the place, she wasn't there. 

I blinked back tears and got a coffee from the barista, then I sat down at the table, in the seat where she sat before. I pulled my hood over my head and stared down at the table, trying my hardest to avoid the tears. 

If I were Katie, where would I go in the middle of the night? 

Someone sat across from me and a coffee cup was put on the table. 

Why would someone sit here? I'm just a sad loner at a coffee shop at 5 am. 

"Excuse me." The girl said, but it sounded really familiar. "I was sitting here. I just went to the bathroom." 

I looked up slowly, and our eyes met, and for whatever reason, it felt like the first time all over again. 



"What are you doing here?" 

"I was looking for you." 

"How'd you know I was here?" 

"I didn't. I was just driving." 

She looked down at the table. 

"When did you come home?" She asked. 

"When I heard you weren't home." 

"How'd Dev know?"

"The baby had to wake up sometime, right?" 

She only nodded, then she looked up. Her eyes met mine again, and I held her gaze as long as she'd let me. 

"So what happened?" I said so quietly that it sounded like a whisper. 

Katie just looked at me, looking like she wanted to say something, but she said nothing. 


Katie's POV

I couldn't get the words to come out, so I just stared at Trinity. 

It's a mental battle. It's not easy to try to protect her from me. 

I'm an emotional person, so I'm used to being emotional, but it's just too overwhelming every time I see her. 

It's conflicting, it's just so difficult. 

I want her to be happy, but every time we come face to face I don't care about how she feels, I just want her, period. 

But Kennedy's words in my head echo. 

"Is it worth it, Katie? She's your best friend. You've never had anyone care about you as much as she does. Is it worth it?" 

And I think that's why I love her so much. Because nobody's cared about me quite like she has, with the exception of Devon and Kennedy, but they're my sisters. 

It was a long few minutes in that coffee shop, just staring at each other. But not once did our eye contact break, but at the same time, it wasn't awkward for a single second. 

"You have something to say?" Trinity said finally. 

"Yeah." I said. 

But instead of saying it, I just got up, threw out my empty coffee cup and walked out the door, the tears stinging my eyes with the crisp spring morning air. 

"Katie. Katie." Trinity called after me. "Katie. Where are you going?" 

I didn't look back, and I knew she would run to catch up with me. 

"Kates." She grabbed my shoulder, and I took a deep breath before turning around. 

She out down her cup on the outdoor table next to her, and just looked at me, my hands shoved deep inside my pockets. 

"Please talk to me." 

I looked at the ground, and a tear went rolling down my cheek. 


"I can't." My voice broke. 

"Why not?" 

"You." I said. "I'm protecting you." 

"In don't need to be 'protected,' Katie." 

"From this, you do." 

"Along what lines is it then?" 

I sighed and grabbed her hands, slowly rubbing circles on the backs. 

"Are you happy right now?" She asked. 

"In this moment-" 

"I don't care about this moment. I mean overall recently." 


Lies. I saw it. She did't smile, she didn't have any emotion behind those words. She lied. 

"Are you really?" 

She shook her head. 


"I could tell." 

"But this isn't about me, Katie. It's about you." 

"Do you want to be more unhappy?" 


"Answer me." 


"Then I shouldn't tell you." 

"You're being really difficult. Just fucking tell me-" 

I gave in and let go of her hands, putting them on the sides of her face and kissed her. 

"Uh..." She stammered. 

"I love you, Trinity Rodman." I said. 

I turned and walked towards my truck, leaving her in shock in front of a coffee shop at 5 am. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now