Chapter 16

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Katie's POV

I found Dev and signed autographs with her, talking to all the little kids and making them all happy. I loved seeing their little smiles when I sighed their posters and hats and stuff and they all told me good job on my goal. That was pretty flattering for whatever reason. 

"I love kids." I said toDev as we walked back to the locker room. 

"Because you are one." She laughed. "You were just spending time with your people." 


"So what was the rush to run away from the team huddle? And why do you have that envelope?" 

I looked down at the envelope in my hands and took out the card, handing it to her. 

"My sister." I said quietly. 

"The one you always talk about?" 

I nodded. 

"She came?" 

I nodded again. 

"Her wedding? Do you know the guy?" 

I nodded again. 

"Come on Katie. Use your words." 

"Yeah I know him. He's a great guy. Good for her." 


"There's definitely something she isn't telling me though. I could see it in her face." 

"Are you gonna go?" 


"Are your parents going to be there?" 


"That's good." 


She put her arm around me as we finally stepped into the locker room, and everybody cheered. 

"Little Sister's a real pro now!" Cheered Bayley Feist. 

"Hell yeah she is!" Sonnett yelled, and everybody cheered again. 

I was quiet as I packed up my stuff and  avoided Trin and Tara. I wanted to get out of there so I could go talk to Kennedy. 

I slipped out and only Dev saw me thankfully. She didn't question or anything.


"Wait. So your roommate is Trinity Rodman?" Kennedy asked when we were outside of my apartment. 

"She's one of them yes." 

"And the other is Devon Kerr?" 


We had gone out to get something to eat at a quiet place outside the city before coming here. There we discussed life and everything that she'd missed in mine and what I'd missed in hers. 

She graduated from college back in May, which marked a year since I was kicked out. She took a job around here so she could try to be near me and get to my home games, whether I would talk to her or not. I told her it wasn't her fault our parents were complete assholes. 

She right after I had been kicked out, she told my parents she was 4 months pregnant. The  baby's now 11 months old, her birthday's in September. So I'm an Aunt. Aunt Katie. That's me. 

She said I could come over whenever and meet my niece Aria and I was excited about that. 

The one thing she didn't tell me, though, was why my parents aren't going to the wedding. I figured she'd say eventually. 

Back to the present though. 

I opened the door, and my roommates were all sitting on the couch watching some reality TV show they like. Tara and Ashley were here as well. Of course the new but happy couple was snuggling on the couch. I tried not to let it affect me. 

"Hey guys. This is my older sister Kennedy." 

There was a plethora of greetings, and Devon was the first to introduce herself. 

"I'm Devon. Your sister is lovely except for her odd obsession with hiding in my room." 

"Lovely?" I repeated, trying not to laugh. 

"Used to do the same to me. Obsessed with my room but hated her own." Kennedy laughed. 

"And Devon has a weird obsession with calling me 'babe' even though we aren't dating. She has a boyfriend." I joked. 

"Hey, you're just cute." 

"That's Ashley right there next to Dev. She doesn't technically live her but....she does." I told my sister. 

"Hi!" Ashley said happily. 

"And that's Trinity and Tara, but as of this moment they are a unit." 

"I'm her favorite!" Trinity said raising up her hand. 

"That would be me, actually." Said Dev. 

"Pretty sure it's me." 

"It's definitely me." 

"Who's bed-" 

"Alright! Let's stop fighting over me please!" I interrupted. "I'm flattered, truly. But we have more important things." 

"Hi. I'm Tara. I'm not her favorite. I'm just a random teammate. But I'm here." 

"At this point you are." I sighed. 

"How about me?" Asked Ashley. 

"That ship sailed long ago, Ashy." 

"That's mean." 

"I know. Okay we're going in here. Bye." I said, yanking my sister into my room. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now