Chapter 32

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Katie's POV

I suddenly got dizzy, extremely dizzy. I said a few curse words as I grabbed onto the table behind me, and took a few seconds to gather myself. 

"So you're telling me, ME, that I'm pregnant. You must have the wrong Katie." 

"Katie Maria Callahan, born May 8th 2003, is 5 feet 5 inches, weighs-" 

"Alright alright. I got it. You have the right Katie." I sighed, feeling like I was gonna vomit. "Are you absolutely sure?" 

"Very sure." 

"Fuck." I said, the tears forming in my eyes. "So I'll be out for a while?" 


"Oh man. Um, can I have a minute? I need to make a call." 

"Of course. Take your time." 


I walked off towards the locker room area, hoping no one was in there. 

I broke down into sobs, shuddering terribly as I pulled up the phone app and clicked on the contact. 

"Hello? Katie? Shouldn't you be practicing?" 

I was trying to get the words to form, but I couldn't. 

"You okay, babes?" 


"You wanna tell me what's going on?" 


"Calm down, Katie. It's gonna be okay." 

"No it's not!" 

"Why's tha-" 

"I'm pregnant, Devon. And I have no idea how to tell anyone else!" I sobbed. "You're the only person I can even begin to tell." 

She was quiet. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spring-" 

"It's not anything to apologize about." She said. "Not at all, Katie." 

"I just....don't know what to do." 

"Do you need me to come to you? I'm in Miami. You're in Fort Lauderdale. It's literally a half an hour drive." 

"But you're with your friends." 

"This is more important." 

"You can come if you want." 

"Well I really want to. Text me the hotel and I'll be there in an hour." 

"Thanks Dev." 

"Love you the most. I'll see you soon, okay?" 

"Love you too. See ya."  

We hung up and I just sat in the bathroom stall, bawling my eyes out. 

I'm completely lost. I have no idea what to do. My only support system other than my sister is Trinity and Devon, but they travel for work. I TRAVEL FOR WORK! My job literally can not be done while pregnant. It's horrible. Everything's a mess. I was hitting my peak, I was finding my place in this stupid world that continues to screw me over time and time again. I don't understand why. It's not really fair. 

And plus, I still have to tell Adley too. Who knows how he'll react. I can't even think about that right now. 

And then the fact that I have to tell Trinity just makes me want to vomit all over the place. It feels like a betrayal to her almost, even though we're not dating, the guy I'm dating is the one who's baby I'm carrying now. 

"Katie?" Someone called. "Katie are you in here?" 

"Yes." I responded. 

"We're looking all over for you. Come on. It's time to start the fitness testing." Hatchy said. 

"I can't." I said. 

"Yes you can. Don't be nervous. Come on out." 

"It's not that I'm nervous." 

"What is it then?" She asked quietly, knowing something was up at this point. 

"I can't tell." 

"Why not? I'm not going to tell anybody you don't want me to." 

"I can't." 

"Is it something health related?" 

"I could say." 

"Come out here. Come on. I need to see your face." 



I sighed and opened the stall door. 

"Now what's wrong?" She asked, pulling me into a comforting hug. 

"I can't....I can't tell."

"Alright. That's okay." 

We were quiet for a few minutes, then I pulled away. 

"Hatchy?" I asked. 

"What's up?" 

"You don't think I'm a bad person, do you?" 

"Not at all. Not one bit. You're one of the best I've ever met." 

"Does that stay the same if I told you...." I trailed off, starting to sob again and covering my face in my hands. 

"Katie." She grabbed my hands, then let them go at my sides, and then wiped some of the tears and mascara that had run down my face. "Not much could change my opinion on you. No matter what, I'll always know you as the bravest girl I know. The day you turned 18 you took on the world completely alone with almost nothing. You went from a broke, abandoned, high school student to getting called up to the US Women's National team in just a year and a half. I'd call that pretty remarkable. You can do anything and you do it with a smile on your face. That's what I think of you. So you can get through whatever's going on right now. I know it." 

"I'm pregnant." I blurted. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now