Chapter 56

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Trinity's POV

Of course Kennedy was 2 hours away for work, and Adley was in the middle of a game in Philly. 

Kennedy is going to come as soon as possible, and somehow I got ahold of Adley in between innings. 

"Yo! DUDE!" I yelled. 

"What's wrong, Katie?I'm in the middle-"

"It's Trinity! You're going to be a dad!" 


"You're going-" 

"I heard you! But this is so early! my..." He paused, then I guess he ran to his team, because he yelled "GUYS! I'm going to be a dad!" 

I heard the team cheer, and then he told his coach. 

"Alright, Trinity' I'll be there soon, hopefully. Thank you! I'll text you periodically." 

"Sounds good." I said. 

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He laughed, and then hung up. 

I went back into the room with Katie and Dev, where they were giving her the drugs. 

"I got Adley finally." I said. "He's going to try to come right now." 

"What if he doesn't make it?" 

"He will. Don't worry." I was doubtful, because the doctors were rushing things. 

"What's the deal with her being early?" Devon asked the doctor, and she started explaining something that I just ignored and knelt down next to Katie. 

"You're gonna be a mom!" I said. "How excited are you? I can't believe it! Wow!" 

"Trinity." She said, looking me dead in the eyes. "I am still in love with you. I love you. And I need you to have that right there, in your brain." 

"I got it." I knew she was just saying things because she had a lot of drugs in her system, but there was something in the way she said it that made me think she meant it for real. 

"And I really mean this, Rodman. I do. You're the love of my life. I love you. You're my girl." 

"You're my girl too, Katie." I smiled. 

She put her hand on my cheek and then kissed me quickly before anyone looked our way. 

"My girl." 

"Katie, you know I have someone at this second." 

"My girl." 

"Katie, I can't-" 

"I love you." 

"This isn't gonna work at this moment, Katie. It's not going to. I'm sorry." 

She looked at me sadly, then slowly moved her head the other way. 

The doctor went over to her, and Devon took me aside. 

"Why would you say that right now?" 


"Why would you break her heart so badly?" 

"I'm telling her the truth, Dev." 

"Do you not know what's going on right now?" 

"Sorry." I sighed. 


An hour later, Ashley, Tara, Hatchy and a few other teammates were in the waiting room. 

An hour after that, there was a baby. 

It was so fast. Like insanely fast. And it was weird, because she was like 7 weeks ear.y. 

And the baby was tiny, but had a little bit of a breathing problem, but they said if all goes well she'd be out of the hospital within the next week, 3 days at the earliest. 

Adley missed it by about 10 minutes, and Kennedy missed it by about an hour, so it was Dev and I in the room. I don't think having kids is necessarily for me...

About 20 minutes after she had the baby and they sorted everything out, I went out to the waiting room to let the girls know. 

"YES!" Ash high-fived Tara and Hatchy came over and put her arm around me. 

"You're a real good friend, Trinity." She smiled. 

"I am. I have to go get my finger checked out. That girl's strong." I looked down at my finger that was swollen and turning purple. 

"That's slightly concerning." Tara said, looking over at my hand. 


"So when can we see the baby?" Bayley Feist asked. 

"I have no idea. I just needed to get out of that room. It is so stuffy." 

"I mean, Dev did pass out twice." Laughed Ashley. 

"That's true. I think she got more nervous than anything." 

"I saw Adley come through here. I feel bad he missed it." 

"It's alright. He gets the good part. Being her dad. I get to be 'mommy's best friend Trinity.' 

"Why can't you be Aunt Trin?" Tara asked. 

"It's a little bit....I don't really know." I sighed. 

"I mean, Dev's already calling herself Aunt Dev. She has been since last night." Ashley said. 

"It was a lot worse than you think. I have to live with her." I laughed. 

Dev came walking out to us, giving Adley ad Katie a minute alone. 

"Damn, that was hard work." She sighed. 

I showed her my broken finger, and she winced a little bit. 

"Glad I wasn't on hand-holding duty." 

"Lucky bitch." I mumbled. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now