Chapter 34

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Katie's POV

I stayed for the rest of camp to watch my teammates, telling them that I had problems with my lungs but I'd be okay. 

I sat on the bench with the rest of the team anyway, because technically I was still called up. 

Trinity scored the game winner in the second game against Germany, and she ran to the bench to give me a hug. As she walked away, she blew me a kiss like I did to her in the championship game. 

She still didn't know. 

Only two people who knew were Dev and Hatchy. 

I planned on telling Trinity when we got home, same with Adley and my sister. 

After the game, we went back to our hotel room and got ready for bed. 


"What's up?" 

"I feel bad." 


"I've been so wrapped up in my own stuff and being mentally prepared for these games and stuff that I haven't even gotten to talk to you about anything." 

"We've talked." I said, trying to avoid what I knew she was gonna ask. 

"But not about the reason you couldn't play or practice." 

"But we don't need to. I told you, it was a lung problem-" 

"They listed you on the availability as having a 'knee injury.' I'm pretty sure you don't have a knee injury." 

"So? They didn't want people worried about my lungs and shit. We have an early flight. Go to-" 

"You don't have a lung problem, do you?" 


"You also don't have a knee problem." 


"A vague 'knee injury' on this team doesn't usually mean what it....means." 

"Trinity Rodman, I have no idea what you're on about." I said. 

"Last time there was a vague knee injury, it's name was Madden Ertz. The time before that, it was Charlie Carrasco." 


"You're pregnant aren't you?" 

By this point, we were both standing in between the beds. 

I was silent. 


I stayed quiet. 

"You have a little Katie inside of you?' 


"Just answer my question." She said, exasperated. 

I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut. 

"Yes." I said, and she hugged me so tightly that she lifted me off the ground. 

"Dude. What are you gonna do? About soccer and stuff?" 

"I have no idea." I sighed. 


When we got back to D.C., everything went into full spiral. 

The day I got home, my agent called me to have a meeting. So here's how it went. 

"Hi Glenn. How are you?" I asked, walking in and sitting down in the chair across from his desk. 

"I'm well. You?" 

"I'm okay." 

"I have to jump right into this because there's a lot to discuss and we are very short on time. Now I know you just got home yesterday, so I assume you haven't seen your doctor about your knee injury yet." He said. 

"No I haven't." 

"Well as soon as you know the deal with that, I need you to let me know asap." 

"Alright. Why so urgent?" 

"Because, Katie, there's teams after you. You only had a contract with Spirit through the end of the season." 

"Do they not want to sign me again?" I asked nervously. I can't deal with having to move away. 

"Oh no, they do." 

"So I'm signing with them again. This is my home. I don't care to go anywhere else. My best friend is here, my sister's here, Devon's here, my home is here. I can't go." 

"But the thing is the other teams are offering you bigger contracts. More money." 

"How much?" 

"Chicago Red Stars are offering this, they have a ton of money to spend...." He put a paper in front of me. 

"Oh my..." 

"Orlando Pride wants to make you their big player alongside Marta with this much...." 

"I don't wanna go there." 

"Here's Houston Dash's offer...." 


"And this is Racing Louisville." 

"So obviously Racing wants me, and the Red Stars really want me." I sighed. 

"Red Stars lost 4 midfielders. 4 veteran midfielders. Plus so many other players. They want to pair you up with Mallory Pugh and market you as an elite duo. They want to say they've got a star who's huge, young, or both in every position. They've got Pugh up top, Milazzo on defense, Naeher in goal, they want you to be that midfielder." 


"And Racing wants to have the best midfield in the league, with you, Howell, and Demelo. Young up and comers." 

"This is a lot to think about." I pretended to think on it. But I wanted to be here and only here. 

"And one more thing to think about, Gotham FC has shown interest. But no offer yet." 

"So what's the Washington contract?" 

"For OL Reign? There wasn't one." 

"Oh hell no I'm not going to Seattle. You won't catch me dead there unless I'm playing a game there." 

"Good to know that's how you feel about that place..." 

"Little harsh. Sorry. But that's the last place I wanna play." 

"And by the fact that you seem so drawn to stay here in D.C., I assume you don't want to to go Italy to play for Juventus...." 


"I've got an offer here." 

"Let me see that." I said. "That's my childhood favorite club, other than Arsenal." 

"You can think on these offers. I've got everything written out here. I've gotta run, but take these and consider. And obviously the Spirit wants to sign you again, but that's not written out here. And before you actually decide 100% where you want to go, you still have to meet with the team GM's and stuff. So even if you choose one club, have a backup. Never know if they'll actually go through with it." 

He put on his jacket, grabbed his stuff, said bye and left me alone in his office. 

Damn it, that's a lot to think about. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now