Chapter 39

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Trinity's POV

I sat at the table, mixing my ice cream around and forgetting the last time I actually took a bite. 

She's been gone for so long that she probably went back to Baltimore with Adley so they can talk about their life plans, what they're gonna name the baby, planning a wedding for next hurts to even think about. 

"If you'e not gonna eat it can I?" Devon asked, pointing to my ice cream. 

"Knock yourself out, girlfriend." I sighed, pushing the bowl towards her. 


I watched her look at the ice cream happily, take a spoonful, and then complain about how I ate all the cookie dough chunks. 

I just put my head down on the table as Dev went on and on about something Kelley texted her earlier while washing our dirty dishes. 

"That's great, Dev. She's funny." I said, pretending to be engaged. 

"Hey. Head up, Trin. Everything's gonna be okay." She said, walking over and putting her hand on my back. "It's gonna work out. You guys are meant to be." 

I heard the apartment door open, and I gasped and looked up. 

I immediately looked at the girl's hand. 

"We;;??" Dev said, running up to her. 

Katie lifted her hand, and the reflection of the light caught the ring, making it shine right in my eyes for a split second, like the world was just laughing at me. 

"OOOHHHH CONGRATS BABE!" Devon threw her arms around our roommate, and I took that split second to pull myself together enough to give her a hug and act excited. 

I can't even lie I was still a little bit excited for her. 

"Congrats, Kates. I love you." I said. 

"Love you too, Trinny." 

It took everything in me not to cry. 


Katie's POV

"Are you absolutely sure it's appropriate to get married so soon?" I asked Devon while we sat at the table. "I mean, I want it to be nice, but nothing too crazy. I want a little ceremony, that's it. January's okay, right?" 

"I mean it's okay I guess, but why so soon?" 

"We want to get it over with before the seasons start so it's not hanging over our heads until next year, you know? It just kinda makes sense." 

"Are you sure you're not rushing into it?" 

"I don't think so." 

I needed to get myself locked in quickly, before I do anything stupid with Trinity. That's the real fucking reason. 

We talked for a little while longer, her being difficult about everything which was uncharacteristic for her, but whatever. Eventually she went off to bed, and I ended up falling asleep on the couch in a pair of Devon's sweats and a random sweatshirt that I have no idea who it belonged to. 

The next morning, I told my little circle of teammates, but I didn't want to make it a huge thing yet. 

Maybe I'm having second thoughts. 

No I'm not. I have to go through with it. 

Trinity kind of avoided me for the next few days, and it hurt like hell. 

I went out Christmas shopping, but ended up having no ideas (or money) for anyone one person. 

I went into a jewelry store and looked around a little bit, but found myself at the counter with the rings. 

I thought about how much Trinity would love some of them, and how Devon would tell me how stupid that one looked, and how Ashley would tell me to get whatever I really wanted. 

Why am I over here? I'm shopping for something else. 

I had already gotten my niece Aria a few little things because she was easy. But everyone else was the problem. 

I had approximately $500 to spend on Christmas and over 6 people to shop for, so that's wonderful. 

I felt myself gravitating towards the rings again, which was so weird considering I got one YESTERDAY. 

"You've got a nicer one on your finger than any of these. Why the longing stare?" The girl working there said, walking over. 

"I'm not sure." I lied. 

"You got the right ring but from the wrong person, huh?" She asked. 

"What? How did you know?" 

"I can just tell. Look at you. Pretty, strong, blonde,'re what, 18? 19?" 


"Close enough. Why tie yourself down? You don't look happy." 

I noticed she had no ring on her finger, but she was pretty, no older than 25. 

"I am happy." 

"You tell yourself that." 

"I am." 

"So what's the deal? Wrong guy?" 

"Exactly." I sighed. "I love him, but I love him in a way you would love family or a really close friend, you know? I don't feel any romantic love for him. But I can't break his heart. Its not right. Plus I'm literally carrying his kid right now. I don't want this baby to grow up without a dad because he's mad I left."m 

"Is he a good guy?"  

"The best you'll ever meet." 

"He's not gonna leave his kid then. Don't marry someone you don't want to. What's the deal? Is there someone else?" 

"You really like prying into my personal life, don't you, random jewelry store girl?" 

"I do this to a lot of people. You know, I've had a few people come back to thank me for the advice. I'm young but I know a lot." 

"Alright. You wanna know my story?" 

"Do tell. I can help you out." 

"I don't know if I'd go that far." 

"Just talk." 

"I met this guy in the summer, and immediately we clicked. But I guess that click didn't last long, because I felt myself enjoying his company as a friend and not thinking of him as my boyfriend. Then I admitted to this other person....the other one's the one for me. My first real love. I had this moment of realization where I don't want to be with the summer guy anymore, but I stuck it out. I was going to break up with him when I got back from my....vacation, in November, but I had to get a blood test and turns out I'm pregnant with his kid. I went to his house to tell him about the baby, and I was going to break up with him too, but that was stupid because I should have known it would never ever work like that. So I guess I'm leading him on, and now worse than ever because he proposed yesterday. But I don't love him the way I love the other one." I put my head in my hands. "I hate myself." 

"So the other guy....what's his story?" She asked. 

"Well, I guess now would be an appropriate time to mention that the other a girl.....and her story is she's one of my roommates, she met me at a tough time in my life and helped me through, and we're roommates because I got evicted and she and her....other friend let me live there for as long as I needed. But now I love it there and had no intentions of moving out until this stupid engagement. Now I might have to, but because of my job I may have to move and she's my best friend in the whole world and I can't imagine life without her. I need her. The only reason I'm still here." 

"Sounds like you should be marrying that girl instead." 

"I wish I was." 

"Well what the hell have you been waiting for this whole time? Go break if off with this guy and get your girl!" 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now