Chapter 38

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Devon's POV

I picked Trinity up and we drove down to the lake where he was going to propose. 

"Why did it take you so long to get here? At this point he already popped the question!" She yelled. 

"Sorry! I got here as fast as I could!" 

"Well the lake isn't far so go." 

It had taken me 20 minutes. We should have plenty of time, right?

We were about to pull into a parking space and Trin was ready to jump out of the car when we watched him go down on one knee. 

Everyone that was sightseeing looked at them, and I looked at Trinity. 

"We're too late." She sighed, slouching down. 

"I'm so sorry Trin. I tried my best." 

"I know, Dev. You always try your best for everybody." She said sadly. "I never asked you what you thought of this whole thing." 

"I think I trust Katie, and I think she's going to make the right decision for herself." 

"Even if that means marrying him?" 

"I'm not sure." 


I sent Katie a text and told her I knew about the proposal beforehand and wanted to know what she said. 

I was left on read. That could mean a lot of things. 

Trin had disappeared as soon as we got home, and I just paced the living room waiting for the response. 

I decided to check on my friend, because she's probably a whole lot more stressed than I am. 

"How's my Trinity doing?" I asked, walking into her room. 

Her tear-streaked face looked up from her pillow where she was laying face down. 

"Not good." 

"Listen, we have no idea if she even said yes." I said, leaning against the door frame.

"I don't wanna get my hopes up." 

"Well you know she's not going to leave you, even if she is getting married. This is her home and where she's playing soccer." 

"Not necessarily." She got off her bed and went into one of her drawers, digging under the clothes and taking out some folded papers. "Look." 

"These are hers?" 


"Good lord, that's what the Red Stars pay Alyssa Naeher!" I said, reading the number they were offering. 

"I know!" 


"That's what I'm saying!" 

I can't imagine she won't take one of those two offers comparing it to the others in the stack. 

"Did she get an offer here?" 

"I think so. I don't see why they wouldn't try to give her another contract." 

"She's said this is home. I can't see her leaving unless she's forced to." 

I looked into Trinity's sad eyes, a sort of sadness I've only seen from her once, and that was on the roof that night. 

I grabbed her into a hug, because it was definitely much needed. 

"Listen to me, Trinity. When she gets home, you act happy for her if she's happy, and you sympathize for her if she needs it, okay? And for the latter, your time will come. It may not be right now, but it will be there. Because you're the #1 in her heart, and will always be. And if she marries him, you'll always have the bigger piece of her her heart." 

She just cried, and I shut up after that. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now