Chapter 5

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Katie's POV

For the party, I put on a red and black flannel with a black tank top underneath and some blue jeans. 

I also did a bit more makeup than usual. Dress to impress. 

This was a typical offseason Friday for me. Go to my classes, do homework if I have any, bit make sure to leave time to get ready and go to whatever party is around. 

Usually a few of my teammates go, so I typically go stay at their place after or they drop me off at my apartment. Tonight was different, though. I wasn't going to get completely wasted in front of my new friend. 

But she's also new to the party scene, so I have to show her how it's done. 

Trinity came to pick me up in her car at &;30 and we were at the party by &;45, which is an acceptable time for 'fashionably late.' 

"A few tips for you here. 1: stay calm whatever you do. 2: don't let any weird ass guys co,e near you. 3: don't drink too much. Have fun with it but not too much please. 4: stay by me as much as possible. That will eliminate the weirdos. Anything else.....oh yeah! And have fun!" I told her while we were driving. 

"I am literally so excited!" 

"I'm sure. This one's gonna be a lot of fun. But very very big. So let's try to sick together. If not, we meet by the front door. You got it?" 

"Got it." 


She followed me up to the door, and when I walked in, the people by the door all yelled and cheered. 

"Is that Katie Callahan?" One guy joked. 

"Life of the party right here!" His friend yelled. 

I pushed out way through the crowd, getting to the back where the drinks were. I got one for each of us. 

Trinity looked nervous and out of place honestly. 

"This will ease you up." I handed her the drink, and she just looked into it. 

"What is it?" 


"It doesn't smell good." 

"Just try it. If you don't like it then don't finish and we can find something else." 


Trinity's POV

I found myself dizzy and really giggly after a few drinks. 

"Am I drunk yet?" I asked Katie. 

"I think so! I think I am too. But there's really no way of knowing. It's just not true!" She replied. 

"Not true at all!" 

Then we had some random conversation that I really can't seem to put together because none of it made sense, just like our last one. 

I had another drink, and then I remember calling Devon. 

"I'm really really dunk!" I giggled. "I think you should come. It's a really good time here. But also I kind of want to go home." 

"Does Katie want to go home?" 

"I don't really actually really know!" 

"Well I'll be there in 10 minutes. Do you have your keys?" 

"Yes ma'am!" 

"Good. Don't lose them under any circumstance. 

"You got it babe!" 


Devon's POV

The girls were outside waiting for me when I got to the house. I brought Ashley Sanchez with me so she could drive Trinity's car back home. 

"Trin can I have your keys?" Ashley asked. 


"For your car." 

"I have them in somewhere...." She started patting all over her clothes. 

"You are so stupid and drinking too much they're right here!" Katie grabbed the keys from her friend's front pocket of her jeans. "You need to get rid of the drinks in you." 

"Alright. Let's get a move on, you two." I said, urging them into the backseat of my car. 

Ashley nabbed the keys from Katie, and walked towards Trinity's car. 

Listening to them talk in the backseat was hysterical. But I couldn't help but notice the little subtle flirty things they had hidden in there. Comments about looks, personality and one time Trin even told Katie she was lovely. 

We pulled up at the same time as Ash, who came back to drop of Trinity's car and get her own and head home. 

"What should I do with them?" I asked her. 

"Well you don't know where Katie lives, right?" 


"Just throw them in Trinity's room and call it a night." 

"I guess that's fine. I can offer her the couch as well." 

"Might be better to keep them confined." She laughed.

"They really are a duo from hell. When they're drunk, at least." 

"Well I'm exhausted. See you tomorrow. Best of luck, Dev." 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now