Chapter 20

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Katie's POV

"Alright Katie. I have it all written down here when she usually eats, and when she goes to bed and stuff. And here's a lot of stuff. I over packed just because. And here's her food....and if you need anything you have the key to our house. But everything should be here." Kennedey said, rushing to give me everything. "Devon is coming up with one more bag. She happened to be coming back at the same time. Thank you so much, Katie. Seriously. I love you. You're a lifesaver." 

"Any time. Listen, give me updates please. Otherwise I'll be really worried. And we're gonna be good, right Ari?" I said. 

The little girl smiled at me. 

"Say bye mommy!" I said, and she waved. 

"Mama. Bye mama." 

"Bye Aria. I love you. Be good! Love you guys." Said Kennedy, and she ran out the door after giving her daughter a kiss. 

"So it's just us until Aunt Dev comes in." I said. 

"Da!" She said. 

"Yes. Aunt Da." 

She clapped a little bit, and then I took out her little soccer ball and we played with it in the living room after Dev came in. 

"Where's Trin?" I asked Dev once she joined us in the living room. 

"She told me she was going to meet with her manager. She said she'd be back at like 7 or something." 


"Dah!" Aria said, pointing to Dev. 

"Yes! Dev!"  



I laughed at them and then Dev and I ordered food as I fed Ari dinner. 

"She's just the cutest little kid I've ever seen." Devon said while I was trying to get the kid to eat. 

"She's not very good at eating though, is she?" I said in my baby voice, and Aria smiled. 

Trinity got home after we finished eating. 

"What's up....what a nice little surprise!" Trin said, running over to me because I was holding the baby. "Ari!" 

"Say hi to Aunt Trinny!" I laughed. 


"Aw she says my name!" 

"She loves you." I smiled. 

Aria reached her arms out to Trin, and she picked her up. 

"You look nice." I told her. 

"Thanks. Manager meeting." 

"Makes sense." 

"Where's the kid sleeping?" She asked. 

"I have a pack n play that I'll set up wherever. Living room or our room it doesn't really matter. I'll hear her if she cries either way." 

"Okay. Hey, we need groceries. We're out of a lot of things." 

"You wanna go get some now? Maybe it'll wear her out. I was thinking tomorrow we could go shopping around and get her a cute little outfit!" I said happily. 

"Sounds good to me." Trinity said. 

"I'm too tired for that. You two knock yourselves out though." Dev said. 

"Anything you want different from the usual?" I asked. It was my turn to pay. 

"Nah. I'm good." 

"Alright. I'm gonna get her ready and then we can go." 

Aria got messy from eating so I changed her into pajamas and put a sweatshirt over it because it was a little bit chilly. Then I put her shoes on and we left. While I was doing that, Trin put the car seat into her car and we left. 

"What am I supposed to do with her tomorrow during practice?" I asked when we were inside. 

"Well, I mean....Kelley's injured and she'll come, so maybe you could text her and ask her to keep an eye on her?" Suggested Trin. 

"It's a little bit more than keeping an eye on her, but not a bad idea. But like....Kelley's Kelley. Is she really gonna be able to watch her?" 

"It's not for too long. And you're here if she needs anything. The coaches won't mind. They know everybody's got their personal stuff." 

"I guess. But it's almost the championship." 

"Doesn't matter. You're gonna start. You've become one of the best players on this team. Your USWNT call up is on it's way." 

"Funny,  Trin." I said, putting Aria in the cart. "I'm not there yet." 

"Yes you are. Trust me." 


She pushed the cart through the grocery store and we grabbed the things we needed. Aria sat there like an angel. All she did was point at things and made random sounds. She waved to a few random people too. 

One super sweet lady waved back to her like everybody did, but then she talked to us. 

"You two have the most adorable daughter! What's her name?" 

I looked at Trin, who smiled. 

"Oh this is my niece and that's my roommate. We're babysitting for my sister." I said. That was awkward. 

"Well she's still adorable." The lady smiled nicely. 

"Her name is Aria. Ari say hi!" 

"Hi!" She said and waved. 

"How cute! How old is she?" 

"A little over a year." 

"Well she's adorable." 

"Thank you!" 

"Have a great rest of your night." 

"You too thanks!" I smiled as she walked away. 

"She was nice." Trinity said. 

"Yes she was." I said. But I couldn't get over the fact that she thought we were together. It was find of funny. 

When we went to check out, we got another compliment from our cashier about how adorable 'our daughter' was. 

I explained again, and Ari smiled and waved to her. 

"Tah!" She said, pointing to Trin. Then she pointed to me and said "Kala." 

The cashier laughed and then Ari said hi to her. 

She's such a happy little kid. 

When we got home, we told Dev about the comments we got and how happy Ari always is. Then we put on the stupid reality TV show those two love. 

Aria fell asleep on me, and then I fell asleep leaning on Trin. I was woken up suddenly when Dev took a picture of us. 

"You guys are so cute." 

"Shh. Don't wake the kid." I picked her up and put her in the pack n play, and me getting up woke up Trinity, so we went to bed after that. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now