Chapter 8

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Trinity's POV

"Katie you got an eviction notice?" I gasped. 

"Are you going through my mail?" She asked. 

"I am yes." 

"First of all, I'm pretty sure that's illegal, and second of all why?" 

"Well first of all, I'm your best friend and second of all you turned green when you saw it. So I had to check." I shrugged. "But why keep it a secret?" 

"It's embarrassing." She said, sitting down on the couch. Then she read the notice. "Out by tomorrow??? Are you serious?" She dropped her head into her hands. 

"Hey, hey. Calm down. It's gonna be okay, Kates." I told her, pulling her into a hug. "You can come stay with Dev and I until you figure something out. You basically live there anyway." 

"Thanks Trin." She said, sobbing into my shoulder. I just let her be for a minute, rubbing her back a little bit. 

Eventually, she pulled away and wiped the tears off her face. 

"It's gonna be a long day tomorrow if I don't get started." She said. "Do you think you could take me to the store really quick so I can get boxes and stuff?" 

"I'll be here all night if I have to." I told her.  

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I know you will. And if you weren't, I'd hold you hostage." 

"You know Dev and Ashley and Tara and any of the team would help really." 

"I know." 

Because Katie doesn't have a car, we ran a few errands together and then immediately started packing up. 

"All this furniture stays here, right?" I asked. 

"Yes. It all belongs to the landlord." 

"Well that's another reason  why your rent was so damn expensive." 

Turns out there wasn't too much to pack, but we didn't have any movers, so we had to bring things down a million flights of stairs ourselves which was a little annoying. The elevator was broken. 

"It's way too hot for this." Katie said after taking her 5th box downstairs. "Think I'll get in trouble downstairs if I just wear this?" 

She took off her t-shirt, which was stained with sweat. Clearly those boxes aren't light. 


"Quit staring at my abs and just give me an answer." 

"I think you'll be okay." I said quickly. 

"I'm taking another down. I'll let you know how it goes." Her and her sports bar and abs walked out the door holding another box of clothes. 

"She's got you WHIPPED!" Devon said, singing the last word. 

"Shut up." I muttered, taping another box shut. 

"No. It's okay. She's hot. I think you should say 'bye bye' situationship and go for that nice tall drink." 

"Pretty sure she's got a guy of some sort like I do." I said. 

"You're not denying you like her then." 

"What? I never said that. Never ever. But I'm pretty damn sure she's straight." 

"Clearly you've never seen the way she looks at you." 

"What? That's ridiculous." 

"Her eyes look like ginormous hearts. My boyfriend was in the stands with her once, remember? He said she cheered so hard for you and every time you had the ball she looked like she was in a trance. Then when you scored she yelled 'That's my girl right there!' 

"Are you making this up?" 

"Nope. I can call him right now if you want." 

"I'm good. I believe you." 

"Good." She lifted the box. "Now's your chance to make a move. While she's.....moving." 

"How's now my chance?" 

"If she's living with us...." 

"Alright, okay. Tell me what to do." 

"How would I know? I'm not-" 

"What's up guys? Whatcha talking about?" Katie smiled as she walked inside, followed by Ashley. 

"She was asking me for advice about how to play forward. Isn't that hilarious? I'm a goalie for heavens sake." Devon laughed. "Shouldn't ask me." 

That was a good cover up, but she made it kind of obvious that it was one. Katie bought it completely, but Ashley made a face at me, then at Devon. 

"You lazy bums want to carry boxes down for me?" Ashley asked. "I'm not strong enough for this." 

"Yeah. Come on Trin." Said Katie. 

"Hey, I brought you to the store and bought you these boxes and everything." I protested. 

"Alright fine. Let's go, Dev." 

"What? No! I made you cookies!" 

"And ate them all. Get off your ass and help a girl out." 

"Fine." She grabbed the box I had just finished taping shut and followed Katie out. But before she left, she turned to me. "This was your chance!" She mouthed. 

"Too bad." I mouthed back. 

When she left it was just Ash and I. 

"So what's that about?" She asked. 

"Do you think Katie's hot?" 

"She's just about the cutest kid I've ever seen." Ash nodded. "Easy smash. Why?" 

"Devon's saying I should go for her." 

"Do it."

"That was easy." 

"Doesn't she have a thing with a guy though?" 

"That's what I'm concerned about." 

"If they aren't official, then she doesn't really like him enough to be official. She's a play the field kind of girl." 

"Well she isn't a goalie." I joked. 

"Hilarious." Ash rolled her eyes. "I have a suggestion." 

"Tell me." 

"She hates being cold. If she tries to sleep on the couch, make it so cold in the living room that she's gotta come to your room. And even if she's in your room, make it cold so she moves in closer. Make her feel close to you." 

"Thanks Ash." 

"No problem. But next time you owe me $10 per minute." 

"That's a lot. You're gonna scare away your customers." 


We both laughed and continued to pack up the rest of the stuff. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now