Chapter 58

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Trinity's POV

"So Katie." I said later that night when it was just us and Dev left on her couch, and she was cuddled under my arm. The baby was asleep on Dev so Katie could have a moment away. 

"What Trin?" 

"I saw this 4 bedroom apartment that's about 5 minutes from our old place and only about 10 minutes from here. I really loved having you as a roommate, and I think Dev can say the same-" 

"Yes I can!" She whispered. 

"And I know you are going to need help with the baby, and we're on your schedule and-" 

"Yeah. I'll move back in with you guys." I smiled. 


"SHHH!" Dev and I said at the same time. 

"Sorry! Yes!" Trinity said quieter. 

"That's only if you guys don't mind a screaming baby for a little while." I laughed. 

"I don't care at all. We can help take care of her. I love her." Dev said. 

"Cool. I'll call the realtor tomorrow." 


"This is so exciting! We get to be roommates again!" 

"It's like a sorority house." Dev laughed. 

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." 


A week later, Trinity's agent got us a cheaper deal on the apartment, and we were all packing up to move out. 

Tara decided she was going to move into our old apartment, so she was getting ready to move out of the one she shared with Ashley now. 

I obviously couldn't lift boxes or do a whole lot, but I was able to pack up my clothes and then Miles would move them out of my sister's house for me. He also helped the other girls move out too. 

And a week after that, we were pretty much settled in the new place. 

I also decided to buy the truck I was already leasing so I wouldn't have to think about all of the extra stuff with that on top of it all. 

  Trinity makes fun of me because I'm pretty little, only about 5'4 or 5'5, so getting into the truck isn't necessarily easy. But it's not hard, either. Putting the car seat in when I'm tired is hard though. 

Adley went back to playing baseball while we were moving, but he's gonna spend 2 weeks with us in early June, then hopefully Trin and I will be off to Austrailia and New Zealand for the World Cup. Obviously I can't play, but if she's going to be there, but I'll be there to support her. I wouldn't miss that for anything. 

And we're all planning on her going, and I really want to see Australia and New Zealand, so she better be going. The only thing is I'll have to bring Abigail, but she hardly ever cries. 

"Where'd you get such an easy baby?" Dev asked one night while we were just watching TV. Before I answered, she said, "It's weird, because you're just so high-maintenance." 

"Thanks, Dev." I sighed, grabbing a blanket from the top of the couch and covering myself in it. "How long until the baby wakes up you think?" 

"She's been sleeping for what, 2 hours?" 

"About that." 

"I'll give you 15 minutes." 

"Great. Perfect amount of time for a nap." I said, closing my eyes and falling asleep immediately. 

I woke up when I heard the baby crying, but before I could get up, I heard Devon shushing her and from where her voice was, she was walking back and forth across the living room. 

"Shh! You have to be quiet!" Dev whispered. "Mommy's sleeping. Your mommy's tired. You don't cry ever except at night. You have to let her sleep. She's finally sleeping for once." 

I wanted to laugh, but I stayed quiet because she was giving me a much needed moment of peace. 

A minute or so later, Abigail stopped crying, and I think Dev put her down in my room again, because she walked away and I heard her walk back a quick minute later. 

I call her the Baby Whisperer, because she can get Abby quiet in a matter of seconds. 

She felt around the couch for the remote, shut the TV off, then covered me with my blanket. 

"Night, Katie." She said as she bent down and kissed my forehead, then she shut the lights off as she left the living room.

I once again fell asleep quickly.


I slowly woke up when I heard someone walk in the door, trying to be quiet, but failing miserably. 

There was a loud bang, then Trinity whispered "Shit!" 

Then there was a clanking sound, and another curse. 

Someone else was with her, whispering to her. It sounded like a guy. Must be the one from before. 

"Let me just get Katie off the couch. I don't want her to be sore in the morning." She whispered, walking over to me and sitting on the very edge of the couch she shook me. "Wake up, Kates." 

I pretended to just wake up, and I turned to face her. Something inside me really wanted to just do something stupid to sabotage her relationship with this guy, but I don't want to do anything that would hurt her. 

"You'll sleep better in your room." She said. 

"I'm comfy though." 

"Come on, Kates." 

"Fine Trinny." I sighed and got up, throwing the blanket at her and heading to my room. 

"Goodnight!" She called after me. 


I checked the clock, and it said 1:23 am. Damn it she was out late. And I was stuck here with Dev and a baby. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora