Chapter 25

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Katie's POV

We went down 1-0 in the first 25 minutes, but Trinity and I teamed up to tie it before the half ended. 

Our halftime talk was epic, lots of hype, lots of yelling. 

We went out and crashed goal and had 4 chances but couldn't finish, and then Portland got lucky with their one chance going in. Shit. 

"We're okay. Let's go keep the pressure up!" Sam Staab yelled from behind me, and I gave her a thumbs up. 

Then Portland decided it would be appropriate to score again with only 15 minutes left. 

As I peered around the stands, people in their Spirit jerseys and their signs were biting their nails and looking lost. 

I turned to my left to see Ashley sitting down on the ground, her head in her hands. 

To my right, I saw the tears forming in Trinity's eyes. 

I ran over to pick Ashley up, because she wasn't gonna move on her own. 

"Get up, Ash. Come on, Ashy. We need you. No emotions." I said, putting my hand out to her. 

"But that goal was my fault." She said, ignoring my hand. 

"You score as a team, you let up a goal as a team. Get up, Ash. Pick your head up. You just have to get one back that means. Come on." I left my hand there, and she took it reluctantly. 

I yanked her up, and we were face to face. 

"You wanna win?" I asked. 

She nodded. 

"We're gonna win." 

"But we're down-" 

I put both of my hands on her shoulders. 

"Ashley Sanchez, we're gonna win." 

"There's no way." 

"There's a way, Ashley. Play like this is your last game. Leave it all out on the field, no just for yourself, but for your team. We can't do it without you." 

She nodded, I patted her on the shoulder and took my spot for kickoff again. 

I made a run for goal almost immediately, but I was shoved when I got close to the goal. 

I was shoved so hard that I went flying through the air, and rolled right into the barrier thing behind the goal. 

I stood up and wiped my nose, not realizing it was blood until I looked at my arm. 

"Yo Katie! Nice nose!" Trin laughed. 

I looked over and everybody was clumped up, talking to the ref. 

I bent my head back, pinching my nose, and Ashley ran over to me. She motioned for the trainers, but I just walked over to the sideline on my own. The ref had no idea. 

Quickly, the trainers took care of my nose and then cleaned up my face. I was the slightest bit dizzy, but nothing I couldn't handle. 

I jogged out to the field, where everybody was lined up for a PK, Andi Sullivan over the ball. 

Of course she nailed it, and the whole place went crazy. 

"Way to take one for the team, kiddo." She said when I gave her a hug. "I can't believe you got nothing on that jersey." 

"It's a miracle. If I'd switched it, we'd lose. But we're not going to." I smiled. 

She nodded and we all took our spots. We had a few subs come on then, but I stayed and so did Trinity. We were in this until the end, it was obvious. 

We went all the way into stoppage and no goals, Down 3-2. 

This was gonna be the last play of the game, and then it would be over. We had a corner. 

"Quick, Ash! Quick!" I yelled, and all of our defenders flooded the box as well. I shook, because it couldn't happen, we couldn't lose. 

Ashley kicked the ball, and it wasn't near me. No chance to be the hero, I guess.

But I followed it anyway, and it bounced off Sam Staab's head, then off Trinity's, then it went to Hatchy, and I knew it was going in. But I crashed the net anyway, and when I realized it was going wide, I dove for it, praying it would bounce off any part of me. 

And it did. 

It hit off my head, but I thought the whistle that blew was because the game was over, but then I heard familiar screams as I did a somersault forward to stand up. 

"KATIEEEEE!" Ashley yelled. 

"KATES! YOU'RE INSANE!" Laughed Trinity, and I was standing there with my hands up before I got tackled to the ground my my teammates, specifically Trinity and Ashley. 

Now we go into overtime. Holy poop. 

Trinity pulled me up and we ran back to our bench. 

First overtime, no goals but the Thorns had the pressure. 

On a corner, someone hit Aubrey into the post and she hit her head so hard that she had to be helped off and we had no more subs in this overtime since Trinity had been subbed off. 

So I took Aubrey's gloves as I watched Devon give me a thumbs up from the sideline. She gave me a thumbs up as I put on Aubrey's huge jersey and her gloves. 

I played goalie for 5 minutes, and I had 1 save. I literally dove across the goal and somehow hit the ball out with my arm. Then this overtime ended, and Devon was able to be subbed in. 

On the bench, everybody went nuts over my save. 

Devon hates PK's, so we can't do that. I too, hate PK's. 

When we went back into the game, I felt a burst of energy I didn't know I had. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now