Chapter 50

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Katie's POV

At 12:00 the next day, I was sitting in front of my agent, Trinity to my left and Adley to my right. 

My agent and his agent were talking on and on about the great PR work this guy has done, and I really didn't care. As long as he fixed some of my problems and lifts the weight from my shoulders, I'll be all good. 

Eventually, said guy came walking through the door, and everyone went silent. 

He looked very professional. 

I just looked down at my outfit, jeans with a hoodie, and this guy's suit. I looked at Adley in khakis and a polo shirt, and then at this guy's suit. I looked at Trinity in black pants and a crew neck, then at this guy's suit. 

"Damn it." I said under my breath. 

"Hello. How is everyone?" He said, putting his briefcase on the desk. 

"You're very formal." I blurted. "Why?" 

"Really Katie?" Trinity said under her breath. 

"Sorry." I mumbled. 

"I see why we're having some issues already. Someone says exactly what comes to mind, am I right?" 

"In some circumstances." I said. "Sometimes it's really helped me, but others it's hurt. That's why you're here. Because I can't keep my stupid mouth shut." 

"I see where all of your problems stem from. I'm very sorry to your friends that they're dragged into this mess." 

"This isn't her. She's just nervous, that's all." Trinity said. 

"She's a well-spoken individual, she just gets nervous." Said Adley. 

"Katie, just calm down. 

I took a deep breath, trying not to let my emotions get the best of me, which was difficult while pregnant. 

I listened to this guy talk and talk about public image, ans I tried to pay attention, but my mind strayed and I ended up just rubbing random patterns on Trinity's hand until the guy slammed a huge book on the desk to get my attention. 

"Did you catch that?" He asked. 

"Yes. I did." I lied. "Image is important." 

"Thank you." 

He continued on until he finally got to the real point of us being here - damage control. 

"As far as the public's gonna care, this ended on MUTUAL terms, and you never cheated on him. Do you understand?" The guy said to me. 

"Yes sir." 

"And you can't keep the child a secret for much longer, so you could go one of two ways with this. You could just come out and announce it at a Washington Spirit team conference, because as far as we know that's where you're playing, or you two - meaning Katie and Adley - can take to Instagram."

"Wait, hold on." I said. "Back track. Did you accuse me of cheating on him?" 

"Doesn't matter what I said. Doesn't matter if it happened, if it didn't. You aren't together, and you didn't run out on the wedding." 

"But there's videos." 

"You're gonna have to dye your hair if I can't do something about that." 

"But my teammates..." 

"No videos have resurfaced of you running out, correct?" 


"Then you're safe." 

I sighed and he moved on. 

"But the thing you are most certainly are going to have to make a public statement about is the suicide attempt." 

"Do I really?" I asked. "I don't like talking about it." 

"Well you will eventually, before that kid is born." 

I sighed and looked at Trinity, defeated. 

Public statements here I come

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now