Chapter 3

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Katie's POV

I went to a coffee shop just a little bit off campus this morning. I felt like I had to change it up a little bit. 

I went with the teammate I'd become closest with, Lily. She's a junior and is probably going to get drafted into the NWSL this year. 

We were just hanging out in the corner of the shop, she was helping me out with my calc homework because she's really smart when Trinity Rodman walked in. 

My eyes followed her from the door to the counter. She didn't even scan the place. She just walked up. I guess she's a regular here. 

She took a seat at the other side of the shop, and I knew I would have to go over there. I love watching her with the Washington Spirit. 

"Are you paying attention to me?" Lily asked, tapping my shoulder. 

"Nope." I answered honestly. 

"This is why I hate doing this." She sighed. 

"I'll be right back." I told her, and I got up with my coffee. I was going to talk to Trinity Rodman. 

"Excuse me? Um, Trin-I mean, Ms. Rodman, I'm a huge fan." I said. "I just wanted to know if I could get a selfie." 

"Of course!" She smiled, and I gave her my phone. "So what's your name?" 

"My name's Katie." I replied. 

"Actually, I know exactly who you are." She laughed. "Sorry if that sounds weird." 

"Doesn't bother me." 

"I watched a bunch of your games for college this year. I went to 1 in August and I became a really big fan. I've got the hat and shirt and everything." 



"That's so awesome. Trinity Rodman is a fan of my team!" 

"And I'm dead serious when I tell you this, Katie, you're my favorite. And I'm not just saying that." 


"You're so fun to watch!" She smiled. "You can sit down if you want." 

"Thanks." I said, and gladly took the seat. 

We talked soccer for a while, talking about how much we missed it throughout the winter. We talked about how her preseason starts soon because it's almost the beginning of February, and my random spring games were starting up soon. 

We talked about how I was a huge Spirit fan ever before moving here, and how I came to 2 games this season. 

When I looked over to the corner where Lily was, she was gone and replaced by a lady with a computer. 

"How long have we been here?" I asked. 

She checked her phone and raised her eyebrows. 

"An hour and a half. Damn." She laughed. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize-"

"It's completely okay. I feel bad, like I'm keeping you from your classes or something." 

"You're not."

"Good." She smiled. "Because you're fun to talk to." 

While she was telling me a story about a game from a while ago, I found myself unable to move my eyes away, getting lost in her eyes. 

I thought that was really weird but I couldn't help it. 

"You know, we should really hang out again." She said after the story. 

"Sure." I said. Then I blurted: "I'm going to a party tomorrow night. Wanna come with?" 

"A college party?" She asked excitedly. 


"Ooh yes! I've never been to one!" 

"I forgot that you're literally my age and never went to college." I laughed. Her reaction was adorable, and now I was really looking forward to it. 

Originally I wasn't going to go because I hate people, especially in college, but now this is a really good opportunity to make friends with one of the best womens soccer playing right now.

We exchanged phone numbers, and then we headed in our separate directions, and I'm still not over it.

I headed back to my apartment and cleaned up because it was an absolute mess. 

I contemplated texting her a little text to confirm that she was coming. 

'So excited for tmr night. See you there :)'

My finger hovered over the send button for about a minute, and then I just kind of left it on for a while because I couldn't decide what to do with it. 


Hey all! Hope you're liking it so far. I started writing this in November, and finally decided to post it, so here it is! Thanks all and have a good night! 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now