Chapter 33

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Kelley's POV

I heard voices from in the bathroom, and I recognized them as Hatchy and Katie. 

"So you can get through whatever's going on right now. I know it." Hatchy said. 

Silence for 3 seconds. 

"I'm pregnant!" Katie said, and I'm pretty sure I made a noise but I guess they didn't hear. 

I was listening through a crack in the door.

Obviously Trinity doesn't know, because she didn't talk to anyone as she ran to the bathroom, and Trinity didn't see her after the med staff called her back. 

Ugh, shit. How long am I going to have to live with this for? This is terrible! I'm one of two people who know, unless she called or texted someone already. AND SHE DOESN'T KNOW I KNOW!

I walked away from the door, feeling like I got punched in the gut, even though she's the pne who should feel like that. 

"Kel, you're pale. You okay?" Alex asked when I got back to the general lounge area. 

"I'm fine." I sat down next to her. 

"What's wrong?" 



"I just don't feel good." 


She was quiet for a few seconds while she looked at her phone. 

"That's not it, is it?" She asked. 

"Alex please!" 

"Sorry." She paused. "But what is it?" 

I sighed and stood up, but she grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me back down onto the couch. 

"Tell me." 

"I heard something I wasn't supposed to hear. But I can't repeat it, because I wasn't supposed to hear it. I'm sorry." I stood up and started walking away, having no end destination but just leaving before I yelled it to the whole place. 

"What's her deal?" I heard Sonnett ask. 

"No idea." Alex replied. 


Katie's POV

"Dev, I just have no idea what to do." I said, covering my face with my hands as I'd done so many times today.

"It's okay, Katie. We're gonna get you through this. I swear. And at the end, you'll have a little mini Katie or Adley to love. Ugh. Why am I jealous?" Devon said. 

"You can be me if you want." I sighed. "It's not that I don't want to have the baby, I can't wait, it's the fact that I'm not gonna be able to play soccer, I'm not gonna have a job, and I don't know if I'm really ready to be a mom. I'm gonna be broke, Adley and I aren't gonna be together all the time, I just don't know." 


"I was gonna break up with him, Devon. I was going to drive up to Baltimore, tell him I can't do this anymore, and I hate to keep leading him on when he's not the one I really love. Because then, I was going to drive home, walk in the door of our apartment, grab her and kiss her, then I could get my fairytale ending I've been dreaming of since February...." 

"Wait a minute...." She trailed off. 

"Wait do you not-" 

"You don't mean me, right?" 

"DEVON!" I slapped her arm.

"Just had to check!"

"But it can be if you want it to." I joked. 


"I'm joking." 

"Well I'm not." 

"You better be." 

"Of course I am." 

"Better watch it, Devon Kerr." 

"My bad." 

We both laughed, the first the I had laughed since breakfast when Kelley and Sonnett took my phone and started doing filters on my Instagram and posting them on my story. 

"But in all seriousness, Devon, I'm lost. I'm so happy don't get me wrong, but I'm...doubting myself, I think." 

"You're stronger than you think, babe. You can get through anything. And you've got so many people who care about you. You've got a lot of help." 

"It's weird, because I always thought my mom would have been the one to tell me that." I sighed. "But instead, telling me that is some random girl named Devon Kerr telling me that. Buy I think she's pretty cool. She's kind of like my older sister in a lot of ways." 

She smiled, and I gave her a hug. 

"I got your back always. You can count on it." She said. 

"And I've always got yours. You've taken such good care of me since the day I met you and I have no idea how I could ever repay you for that." 

"You don't have to. I love you, Katie, and you take care of the people you love." 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now