Chapter 54

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Katie's POV

The next day, a million people came over to my sister's house for the party. 

The whole Spirit came, as well as college friends I'd been in touch with, some cousins, and some of Adley's teammates. 

Everyone kept asking me if I wanted the baby to be a boy or a girl (as people do at one of these parties) and I told them all I didn't care, though I secretly really really wanted a girl. 

Trinity made one of those stupid videos that are kind of funny with the interviewing people and asking them what gender they think the baby's gonna be. 

I ate a lot of pink cake and candies. I wasn't sure I'd know how to handle a little boy. 

I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to be a good parent at all. 

I got more and more nervous by the day, because I didn't own my own place, and I had no room  for this kid. I also didn't have much stuff except basic furniture because we didn't know what the baby was gonna be. 

I watched the video that Trinity made over again before we did the official reveal. 

I thought it was going to be a girl, Adley thought boy for the first clip. The second clip was Kennedy, Miles and Aria. Aunt Kennedy thought it was going to be a boy, same with Miles, but Aria thought girl of course. Then it was 'Aunt Dev' thinking the baby was a girl, then Trinity thinking the same. 

Ashley and Kelley thought boy, Tara and Hatchy thought girl. 

Kelley drove down from New York just to be here, and unfortunately Sonnett was stuck in Seattle sadly. 

I finally went back back outside, and Adley had a plastic baseball bat. He was going to hit a  baseball and I was going to kick a soccer ball at the same time. 

Tara had the camera, Kennedy put the flimsy ball in front of me to kick, and one of Adley's teammates got ready to throw the ball to him. 

"You're not gonna be upset if it isn't a boy, right?" I joked. 

"Never. Honestly, I want a little girl. Boys are trouble." He laughed. 

I smiled and Kennedy counted us down. 


I kicked the soccer ball, and he hit the baseball, and pink powder shot everywhere. 

"I called it!" I heard Dev scream. 

"Well looks like we both got what we wanted, huh?" I said, giving him a hug. 

"Looks like it!" 

"Congrats, you two." Kennedy said, giving me a hug and then him. 

"I'm gonna be a girl dad!" Adley said happily. "I can't believe it." 

"I'm gonna have a daughter!" I smiled. 

"Our daughter is going to be the best soccer player ever. Better than you." 

"I hope she is." 


The next day, the Spirit had a home game, so I went. 

I ended up singing the national anthem, because our social media admin decided to post a poll asking if I should. 

I didn't plan on making a career out of singing, and I;m still not. But it's always there if soccer fails. (This is a joke. Like literally a joke. Never.) 

Then I got to sit on the bench with the team like usual. 

We beat Orlando Pride 3-1, Trinity had a brace and Hatchy had the other goal. 

Trin is having a crazy season. She already has 9 goals and it's only May. But that's gonna slow down when she goes to the World Cup. Unfortunately, that's right around when the baby is due, so I can't go watch her in person, which REALLY sucks. 

I just hope the baby's born before she leaves. 

I decided to go to her house after the game, but while I was there I started to feel a little uneasy. My stomach hurt. which was normal, but it didn't go away for a while. 

"Are you okay, Kates? You're really super pale." She said. 

"I'm just nauseous, that's all." 

"Do you need medicine or something? I don't know what you give to a nauseous pregnant girl." 

"I'll be fine." I smiled. 

I can't wait any longer. I have to tell her. 


Trinity's POV

I looked into the pale face of Katie, and I knew something was off. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked her. 

"I'm fine. I'm just...nervous." 

"About what?" 

"Well I have to tell you...." 

Then she stood up, and I went to do the same, but she just stared at me. 

"That's not normal." She said. 

"What the-" 

"My water just broke." 


"I don't know! What do we do?" 

"I don't know!" I yelled "Where's Dev?" 

"I don't know!" 

My mind went completely blank. I had no idea what to do. 

"I heard my name?" Dev came out of her room. 



"She's having a baby!" I said. 

"Well we have to go to the hospital!" Dev ran to the counter and got her keys and purse, then she put on her shoes. "LET'S GET MOVING!" 

We did the same, and we rushed to the car from the elevator. 

"Move it! Move it, people! She's in labor!" Yelled Dev as she dragged Katie through the lobby. 

"I'm so confused! I'm not supposed to have the baby until JULY!" Katie said through tears. 

"It's okay, Kates. Come on." I said, urging her into the car. 

"Trin, call her sister." Said Devon. 


"Don't forget to call Adley!" Katie said. 

"After your sister." 

Oh my god. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now