Chapter 40

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Katie's POV

I bitched out and didn't call Adley or 'get my girl' because I needed to play it safe. This was something that would have to get ran by my life coach that doesn't know she's my life coach Devon Kerr. 

I just sat in Devon's car crying because I had no idea what to do anymore. I didn't have the guts to break it off with Adley but I just wasn't happy with him anymore. I can't deal with the pressure of everything. The baby, my future in soccer, my friendship with was all too much. 

But I pulled myself together and walked inside, realizing I had come back with as many gifts as I'd had before I left. Whatever. 

I Trinity's car was in the lot, so they were both here somewhere that's not the kitchen or living room unless someone picked them up, which I doubt. 

I heard the TV on in Trin's room, and so I just walked right into Devon's and plopped down on her bed. 

"Well you look awful." She said, closing her book. 

"Thanks a lot, Dev. Needed to hear that." 

"Sorry. What the heck happened out shopping?" 

"Nothing." I lied. "I'm pregnant, I get emotional over the little things, you know? Anything sets me over the edge." 

"You're not that pregnant. Only like 6 weeks." 

"I'm still pregnant, right?" 

She was quiet, and I scooted over to cuddle into her. 

"You think things are actually gonna work out for me?" I asked quietly. 

"They will." 

"Don't just say things, Devon Kerr." 

"I'm not just saying things." 

"Yes you are." 

"Would I lie to you?" 


"Then they're gonna work out." 

I was quiet, just listening to the sound of her steady breathing and heartbeat. 

"Do you think I should break it off with Adley?" I asked eventually. 

"I think that's up to you." 

"You know what, Dev? I give up trying to get advice from you, because it's been pretty damn hard the last few days." I sat up and started to scoot off her bed, but she put her hand on my shoulder. 

"I think you should do what you want. I think you should weigh in a lot of things. Do you love her enough that you would potentially make an even harder situation for your baby than it's already gonna have with parents always travelling and playing in two different cities? Do you wanna be unhappy forever and always with you had just spoke up when you were given the chance? Do you want to watch Trinity go off and get married just like you are about to do, and will it hurt too bad that you can't live with yourself?" 

"That got pretty dark." I said. 

"Just think. There's a lot of weigh-ins." 

"I will Dev." I nodded, and started to get up but really had nowhere to go. "Can I just stay here?"

"Anything babe." 



We ended up all being snowed in for Christmas, which was a blessing and a curse. 

I didn't have to go spend Christmas with just Trinity and her family, which would have been a little awkward considering recent answers to certain questions. 

Dev was going to fly home to Canada to be with her family, but the snow came before she was supposed to leave, and everything got screwed up, so now we're spending Christmas like any other day with presents. 

Because my sister doesn't live too far, the three of us and Ash were all going to go to her house for dinner. Miles's family is there too, but nobody really cares too much. 

And I spent all the nights between the proposal either on the couch or in Devon's room. 

Under the tree on Christmas Eve sat my presents for Trin, Dev, Ash and Tara, same with my other roommates. Tara would get her presents when she came back from vising home. 

Ash was staying over on Christmas Eve, so she slept in Trin's room with her and I slept in Dev's. 

"At this time next year, I'll be putting out cookies for Santa." I said while we were watching holiday movies on the couch. 

"I can't believe you're the first to have a kid." Devon laughed. "I mean, you're just a kid yourself. You know, if you make those cookies, you know Devon Claus will be there to clean up the crumbs." 

"Oh please. That's my job." I laughed. 

I fell asleep not long after that, and woke up to someone whispering. 

"Midnight." I recognized it as Trinity. "Merry Christmas, Kates." 

She bent down to give me a kiss on the cheek, and I wanted to give her a big hug but I was too tired. 

Eventually I got the energy to walk my tired ass into Dev's room, and we all got woken up at 7:30 by Ashley. 

"Christmas! Get up! Get up Katie! Get up, Devon!" She said, climbing onto the bed. 

"You sound like my goalie trainer." Devon grumbled. "Get up, Devon! Up! Quick!" 

"Well do it now!" 

"Please calm down Ash." I sighed. 

"I can't! This is gonna be your life for the next 18 years! Let's go! Getting you started early!" 

I rolled my eyes and got up out of bed. 

We all had matching Christmas pj's per Trinity's request, so we had a really cute Christmas morning picture. 

I gave Ashley her present first, which was a sweater she had liked from a store we went to together a while ago. They all exchanged for a few minutes, me not involved, just taking the videos. Then I got a pair of Nike sweatpants from Dev, with a not telling me to use these instead of taking hers. She also made me a blanket of pictures from the championship, which I thought was such a cute idea. Ashley gave me a new travel coffee cup because I left mine in Houston, and I'd gotten another one but it wasn't as nice as the one I had before, and she got me the same one I had before. She also got me a nice light blue long sleeve shirt (that was quite expensive) claiming that it was the best color for bringing my eyes, and the other girls agreed. 

I gave Devon my backup present, because something was keeping me from giving her the original one I got. I gave her an expensive pair of leggings and a shirt to go with it. I admit that I went way over budget for her considering the things were both expensive and then I had another expensive present for her that I didn't plan on giving quite yet. 

Then Trinity gave me her gift, which was a beautiful gold bracelet and a pair of earrings that matched it. It must have cost an absolute fortune, which made me feel guilty. 

I gave her my present, which was nothing compared to hers. 

Her present for me alone probably cost $500. I got her a necklace that was only $150. 

"I have more coming in the mail it just wouldn't come in time." I lied, quickly thinking of things to order her. "But this is what I have for now." 

She opened it, and a big, genuine smile came over her face when she saw it. 

"This is beautiful. I mean...." She took the silver necklace out of the little box. "Can you put it on?" 

I nodded, and crawled over to her to help her. 

I made sure the little infinity symbol was right in the middle when I put it on, and she gave me a big hug. 

"I love it." She whispered. "I love you." 

"I love you too." I whispered back. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now