Chapter 36

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Katie's POV

"Breaking News: For The First Time Ever, Girl Goes To Her Boyfriend's House to Break Up With Him But ALSO Tells Him She's Pregnant! You don't wanna miss this!" I joked when we pulled up to Adley's house. 

"It's gonna be okay, Kates. Just go in and...tell him." Trinity said. 

"Wow. Thanks for the advice! That helps a lot!" 

"Don't go snippy on me now." 


"Do you want me to come in with you?" 

"I feel like that might be awkward." 

"It would be REALLY awkward" Laughed Trinity. 

I unbuckled and opened the car door. 

"Good luck." Trinity said. 


I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. 

"Katie? What are you doing here?" He asked as he opened the door. 

"We need to talk." I said. 

"Um, come on in I guess." 


I sat down at his kitchen table and he sat across from me. 

"So what's up? It's been a few days since you texted. Can I get you anything? Water? A snack?" 

"I'm good." I said. 

"So how's the injury?" 

"That's what I'm here to talk about." 

"Oh no. What's wrong?" 

"It's not an injury at all actually. Um, it's a..." I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them with tears. "It's a baby." 

"A BABY???" 

"A baby." 

"So like, I'm going to be a dad?"


He jumped up and hugged me so tight and lifted me up, just like Trinity did. 

He looked so happy I couldn't believe I'd have to break his heart in a few minutes.

"How far along?" 

"Less than a month." 

"You can know that early?" 



"There's something else I have to tell you too." I sat back down. 

"Alright. Go ahead!" He was still smiling, and I had no idea what to do. 


Trinity's POV

When Katie got back to the car, she said nothing as she put her purse down and buckled up. 

"So how'd it go? Did he take any of it well?" I asked. 

"Well the problem was he took the first thing TOO well." She replied,  rubbing the bridge of her nose. 


"He's very excited for the baby. He is also still my boyfriend." 

"I knew you were gonna do this, Katie." 

"Then why didn't you stop me to help me better figure out what to say?" 

"Well a part of me believed you actually would-" 

"I'm sorry. I'm putting blame where it doesn't deserve to be." She sighed. "I'm really sorry." 

"It's okay. It's stressful, I get it." 

I pulled out of the driveway as we sat in silence, and it stayed like that for a good 10 minutes. 

"Trinny?" Katie asked finally. 


"I really don't want to say this but....we can' and me....until after I end it with him. It's not right. He treated me with nothing but respect and I can't do that to him." 

"I get it." I sighed. 

"I just need to find a way to let him down kindly. And that's gonna suck with a capital S." 

"You'll find a way. You can do anything." 


Katie's POV

The next few days were filled with me trying to find out how to break up with Adley. So after a few days, I relented and went to Devon for help. 

"Well here's how I broke up with MY boyfriend." She said, crunching on some chips. "I said, yo, we're done. This is over." 

"How long ago was this? How old were you?" 

"This was....2 weeks ago, and we were, gosh, what, 20 something? 25? That's it. 25." 

"You never told me you broke up." 

"Eh, you didn't need another thing to think about." 

"How'd he take it?" 

"No idea. And I don't care. We weren't working." 


"So I think you should do the same thing." 

"Absolutely not." 

"Why not?" 

"I have a different situation, Dev." 

"Alright, alright. I'll try to help you out." 

So we talked for a half hour, and got a good idea of what to say. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now