Chapter 4

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Trinity's POV

After my new friend Katie left, I grabbed my puffy coat and got a coffee to bring home to Devon per her request. 

"Saw you talking to that Katie kid." Said the barista. "She a fan?" 

"Started off like that. She's super nice though. We're gonna hang out tomorrow night." 

"That's cool. She's a cute kid. Most beautiful face I've ever seen." She said. "And lots of pretty girls and super hot guys come through here. She's drop dead gorgeous." 

"Honestly she should consider modeling." I laughed. 

"Tell her. You're gonna be friends and everything, so why not?" 

"Lauren, that's a little weird, don't you think?" I asked her. 

"Get out of your comfort zone, Trin. Didn't become a pro soccer player by staying in your shell, you know." 

She handed me Devon's coffee. 

"Have a good one, Trinity. Stay warm." 

"Thanks Lauren. You too." I said, pulling on my coat and picking up the coffee cup. 

I called Devon on my way home, telling her I had her coffee and she better be there when I get there, otherwise I was going to drink it. 

"Man, you were there for a long time." She said when I walked in. 

"I made a friend." I smiled. 

"So this is the end of your stupid on-again-off-again thing?" She asked. 


"I don't know, the blush that came on your face when you said that you made a friend made me think you found a guy to replace your toxic one." 

"Devon, I'm not blushing." 

"Yes you are." 

"No I'm not!" 

"You were! You get that look!" 

"You're crazy." I sighed, and sat down at the counter. 

"I'm sorry." 

"It's fine." 

"And he's not toxic, he's just-" 

"No Dev, he is. I know it, he knows it, you know it, Ash knows it...." 

"You need a new guy." She sat down next to me. "Get your mind off this one." 



"I just need no one else to distract me from soccer. Soccer is my life right now, nothing else matters." 

"Other things matter, Trinity. Soccer is important, yes, but you do need a social life." 

"Do I though?" I dropped my head in my hands. "I need to establish myself as the kind of player I want to be before I have to get so invested in the lives of people other than my teammates." 

I then thought about Katie, and how I was going out with her. It was basically a trap. She was so kind and genuine and just perfect that it would be so hard to resist hanging out with her after tomorrow night, I can tell. And I've only met the girl once. 

Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and it was a text from Katie. 

'So excited for tmr night. See you there :)'

"I'm going out tomorrow night." I declared. 

"Is this on your own terms or does this have to do with the text you just read?" 

"Does it really matter?" 

"Is it him?"

"Nope." I said. "My new friend." 

"Okay. Your face lit up when you read that. It has to be a guy." 

"You're assuming a lot." I laughed. 

Devon rolled her eyes, and then quickly reached and grabbed my phone from my hand. 

"Hey!" I said, and swiped at it but she turned her back to me. 

"What's 'Katie pink heart emoji' real name?" 

"It's Katie!" I said. "That's my new friend." 

"I'm going to call this supposed Katie." 

"Don't do that. I just met her today-"

But it was too late, and Devon Kerr was calling Katie Callahan, the girl I just met 2 hours ago. 

She didn't answer, so I snatched my phone from Dev and went about the rest of my day. 


Katie's POV

After responding to Trinity's text, I went to take a shower since I had a few teammates coming over for dinner. 

When i got out there was a missed FaceTime call from her from just a minute after she sent the text. I sent her a quick text asking whether she meant to call or not, and she told me it was a butt dial. 

I dried my hair and put it in loose curls before putting on a pair of jeans and a sweater, then setting the table with snacks in the middle. 

I was running relatively low on extra spending cash so I knew this would be my last one of these for a little while. 

All throughout dinner apparently (according to Lily) I wasn't myself. 

"I'm not sure what you're talking about." I said after she pulled me into my room. 

"You're not talking much, you're staring far off, what's up?" 

"I don't know. I think I'm just tired." 

"It's that girl from the coffee shop, right?" 


"You were practically drooling over her." 

"Because she's Trinity Rodman and she's so good at soccer!" 

"You still had googly eyes looking at her." 

"Well I look up to her." 

"I get that. I really do. But those were eyes of not just admiration. There was that LOOK." 

"What LOOK?" 

"The look you get when you think someone's hot." 


"You've got a type for brunettes, yeah?" 


"I know you." 

"Lily shut up." I said, and walked out of my room back to the table.

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now