Chapter 35

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Katie's POV

I took the papers home and left them on the table as I went to take a shower. 

I thought on everything. The price the Red Stars were willing to pay for me, the Racing midfield, Juventus offering me a was so much. And the fact that Trinity and I were driving to Baltimore today to tell Adley was the cherry on top. 

When I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair, I saw Trin at the table and got excited. 

"Hey Trin! What's...." I trailed off after realizing she was looking through my papers. "Oh shit." 

"You didn't tell me you were thinking about leaving." She sniffled. 

"I never said I wanted to leave-" 

"I mean look at this Red Stars contract! And the Juventus contract! How can you turn either of those down?" 

"I want to be here. I don't wanna be anywhere else. I swear. This papers were forced into my hands. I didn't ask for them." 

"I get if you want to take one of these." 

"Trinity." I said, sitting down at the table and grabbing her hands. "I'll be here as long as the Spirit allows. I could never leave you after everything you've done for me. It would absolutely wreck me. And I'll never be able to take care of this kid alone. She needs her Aunt Dev, Aunt Ash, and you. You know how to take care of people. I'm gonna need all hands on deck. I have no freaking clue what I'm doing. I have no idea how to care for other people. I never got that." 

I looked down at the table, the back up at her. Her eyes were filled with tears, and I felt like an asshole for even bringing these papers home. 

I picked up the papers, folded them up, and put them in the trash can. I ignored the fact that Trinity was crying while reading them, so a few sad little tears had landed on the paper. 

"I'm here to stay. I'll do everything I can to stay. I love you. I need you." I said, walking over to her. "You're everything to me." 

"You're everything to me too." 

We were so close we were breathing the same air, our faces so close you could literally cut the tension with a knife. You could TASTE it. 

"You're so perfect." She said quietly. 

"I'm far from it." I said. "Don't say those things." 

"You may not see it, but I do." She tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

Well shit. I've got nothing to lose. 

I grabbed her face and kissed her, nothing to lose, right? 

"Damn girls. Keep it PG!" Someone said from the doorway, and there was half of our stupid ass team. 

Not half, but the point is across. 

I just looked at Trinity, then at Devon, then back to Trinity, then Ashley, then Tara, and the list goes on. 

Most of us were just standing there with our mouths gaping open, an awkward silence falling over the room.

The 30 seconds no one moved felt like an hour. It was awful. 

I don't think anyone knew what to say, so of course Ashley was the first to say something. 

"So you became an item when?" 

"Okay, we're leaving. We were just going to stop in to ask how your meeting went, Katie, but this is a different type of meeting, so bye. We can talk later, okay babe?" Devon said, shoving the group out. 

"Sounds good." I said. 

I made sure I heard them all really leave before going on. 

"So where were we?" I asked, grabbing her shirt. 

"We were here." She kissed me again. 

This is like dreaming, really. 

"So we're not together, but we certainly aren't just friends. Friends don't look at each other the way we do. They certainly don't do that. SO what are we?" She whispered. 

"As of this moment, I am still together with my boyfriend. But we're going to end that right now. Ready for an hour drive?" I asked. 

"I've never been more ready." She smiled. 

We grabbed our stuff and got in her car. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now