Chapter 22

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Katie's POV

It's the day of the championship, and I was still watching the baby. 

"Kennedy, I don't know what you want me to do with her. I have a championship game in 10 hours for heavens sake." I said when we were on the phone. 

"Alright alright. I'll see what I can do." She said. 

"Please hurr-" 

She hung up, and I sighed. 

"Um, Katie, I think she pooped in her diaper." Dev said when she was playing with Aria on the couch. 

"Well change it." 


I sighed, slamming my phone down on the counter. 

"Okay, okay. Sorry. I'll figure it out myself." 

"No, I got it." I took the baby and changed her diaper as Kelley O'Hara burst into our apartment. 

"The singer for the national anthem got the flu! Does anyone know any singers?" Was how she greeted us. 

"Happy championship game day to you to, Kel." I said, picking the baby up. 


"Please Kelley. Not right now." I handed the baby back to Devon. 

"What's got her panties in a bunch?" Asked Kelley. 

"Please don't ever say that again." 

"Sorry. What's got you upset?" She repeated, looking disgusted that she couldn't use her little saying. 

"Nothing's going right today." I sighed, washing my hands after rolling up the dirty diaper. 

"What happened?" 

"Well obviously I still have the baby, which wasn't supposed to happen. Trin's in the bathroom vomiting up her nerves, our stove broke, now the anthem singer. It'll be a miracle if this game doesn't end 13-0." 

"Man. Not gonna be an easy battle against the Thorns today." She said, sitting down at the table. 

"No it will not be." 

"Not to make you mad or anything, but I have to point out how you look seriously like a mom right now." 

"You know what Kelley?" I walked over to her and hit her with the dish towel that was hanging over my shoulder. "Watch your mouth, young lady." 

"Sorry kiddo." 

We laughed, and then I rubbed my forehead. 

Then I looked over at her and saw she had her phone out to take a picture or video or whatever, so I just yelled "GO SPIRIT!" 

Aria started to cry, and I rubbed my forehead again. 

"The baby's crying." Dev said. 

"Thanks Dev! I had no idea!" I said sarcastically, walking over to pick up Aria. "Hungry again I guess." 

"Where's the remote?" Asked Devon. 

"I can't keep track of where you leave things, Devon Kerr." 

"But you were the one that had it last." 

"Clearly I wasn't, because this garbage is on the TV and not what I put on for Ari." 

"Oh yeah!" 

"Go look for it please." 

"It's probably under the couch...." She laid down on the floor to look, and I gave the baby food and the baby to Kelley. 

"Can you feed her for me? I'm gonna go check on Trin." 

"Of course." Kelley said, doing something to make the baby laugh. 

"Thanks." I walked into the bathroom to find her sitting on the floor on her phone. 


"Hey Trin. How you feeling?" 

"Well I haven't thrown up in....20 minutes. So I think I'm okay now." 

"That's good." 

"When's your sister coming for Aria?" 

"Wish I could tell ya." 

"Have you talked to her?" 

"I tried. But she didn't really give me an answer." I sighed, sitting down next to her. "I have no idea what to do if I still have her when the game rolls around." 

"I can ask my mom." 

"But she's gotta watch her daughter be the best player on the field!" 

"But I'm sure she wouldn't mind watching the real best player on the field's adorable niece." 



"If I can't figure out anything else, I'll let you know, okay?" 


We sat in silence for a few minutes, not really thinking about much other than staring at the floor. 

"I'm gonna go back out there. Come with me?" I asked her finally. 

"I don't really want to."

"Why not?" 

"I'm kind of nervous." 

"You did this last year, and you won a Concacaf trophy. You'll live. Come on." 

"I'll be there in a minute." 

"Alright." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek before getting up. "Love you, Trinny." 

"Love you too, Katie poo." 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now