Chapter 29

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Katie's POV

Big mistake, this is. . Huge. 

Especially when Tara came in asking for something, but screamed and ran out. 

We heard the front door slam shut but I was having too much fun to stop. 

The next morning, I saw the consequences of my actions. 

A missed call from Adley, a text from Devon, and another from Trinity. 

"I'm such a hoe." I sighed, dropping my head into my hands during breakfast the next morning. 

"You kinda are. But it's okay. We can fix your life up now. We just need to keep Tara quiet...." Ash said. 

"I trust her. I don't even think she knew it was me."

"I don't know, Katie. I think she saw pretty clearly..." 

"Shut up!" 


"Don't remind me." I put my head back in my hands. 

"What do you think you wanna so?" 

"I think I wanna forget the whole yesterday and let my life with Adley go on. It's the safest option." 

"I get that." 

"This is funny." I laughed. 

"What is?" She asked. 

"The fact that I'm telling you my play with this guy after last night." 

"It is. But last night was nothing." 


"Just remember if you fall for me, it's your own fault." She laughed. 

"Listen. You're hot and a really, REALLY good kisser, but I've already got two people head over heels for me, and falling for someone who isn't one of those two isn't in my best interest." I laughed. 

"I get it. I understand completely." 

I nodded and took a bite of cereal. 

"But if both of them fall through, I'm always here..." She trailed off. 

"Oh shut up." 

We both laughed, but I'm pretty sure she was serious. 

"I don't wanna go back home. but I guess I have to at some point, right?" 


"You wanna come with me? Maybe it will take some tension and focus off me. Because they'll act like the whole secret service, trying to get every detail of where I was and what I was doing out of me. At least Dev will." 

"Well you were at my house, and you were" 

"That's gotta stop now. It's funny but not anymore." 

"Sorry. It stops now. We are ice cream and watched a movie. I'm gonna call Tara real quick..." 

"Oh man, I hope she didn't blab." 

"I don't think she did." 

"I don't think she would either." 


One deep breath and I walked into my apartment, followed by Ashley. 

"Katie!" Dev said, jumping off the couch to pull me into a hug. "I was worried about you Where'd you go?" 

"I went to Ashley's." I said. 

"Where else would she have been? In a ditch somewhere and Ash found her?" Trin rolled her eyes. 

"No, she'd find Ashley in a ditch." Laughed Dev. 


"Sorry Ash." 

Everything honestly felt okay in that moment, except the fact that Trinity wasn't standing with us. No awkwardness, I didn't feel anything between Ash and I, I was happily leaning on Dev's shoulder with her arm around me, almost everything was okay. 

Eventually I told them that I had made plans to go stay with Adley for a few days, and Trinity whipped her head in my direction. 

"We're also planning a trip of some kind. I'm just trying to make sure al of our Spirit events are done. I know we still have a bit of time until then, but for the offseason. I'm excited." I smiled. 

"When would that be?" Asked Dev.

"Maybe end of November or early December." 

"Well that sounds fun!" Ash said. 

"I still don't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving or Christmas though. Last year I just watched Christmas movies and ate ice cream at night, and during the days I just went about practicing soccer like usual." 

"You can spend it with me if you want." Trinity suggested. 

"Really?" I wouldn't have been surprised a few days ago, but today I'm shocked. 

"Of course. I can't leave my best friend with nowhere to go for the holidays." 

I smiled at her. 

Damn it, I love her so much. 

We spent the rest of the day not doing much, we had some teammates filter through and whatever but we didn't do much. 

My brother in law's mom was finally out of the hospital and doing well, which was great to hear. 

We were watching a movie on the couch just minutes after Dev told me we 'really really desperately need to talk' so I told her I would, but I decided my only way out of this was to fake sleep. 

I snuggled into Trin, and fake slept for the last 20 minutes. 

"I need to talk to her. Do I wake her up or not?" I heard Dev whisper. 

"I don't know. She was up pretty late last night...crying." Ash replied. 

"They look so cute there together." 

"I would just let them be." 


"Let her sleep, Dev." 

Thank you, Ashley Sanchez. 

"Alright. I'll let her sleep. But not without a picture." 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now