Chapter 2

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Trinity's POV

Every time I make a stupid mistake, I get overly mad at myself. I get visibly frustrated, and then teams think they've gotten into my head. 

That isn't true, because most mistakes I make, I make myself. 

Sometimes it's hard to keep my temper with the referees. I've never lost it on another player though thankfully. 

On the drives home from practice and home games, my roommate Devon Kerr laughs and tells me I need to be less hard on myself, and then I get upset with her. 

She tells me that the best part of me losing it on the refs is everyone else's reactions. 

Coach yelling at me to calm down (which I don't hear because I'm pissed) Ashley Sanchez, my best friend, standing there holding in her laughter, Emily Sonnett looking for a fight, Kelley O'Hara and Ashley Hatch trying to get me away from the ref, and Sam Staab and Aubrey Bledsoe shaking their heads and laughing. 

Her favorite, though, is Tara McKeown when she just ignored everything and dances to mental music at the midfield, keeping the mood relatively light.

And yes, this has all happened more than once.

More than twice, actually. 

It's fine though, because I burned this into my head: "Lose your temper, lose your starting spot."

And as a rookie, that says a lot about me. 

So I just need to learn to control my temper, that's all. 


A late August day left me with nothing to do, so I decided to watch some local college soccer. 

I threw my hair into a hat and put on a pair of sunglasses. I knew it would't disguise me completely, but I didn't need to draw all the attention at this game. 

I had my eye on a dirty blonde midfielder who was extremely talented. She was technical, strong, and super fast. She was wearing #8. 

When the camera zoomed in on her face, I realized she was absolutely stunning. She had (from what I could tell) green eyes and an adorable band of freckles across her nose. She had light blue pre wrap that ended up getting torn off on a really dirty play. 

The ref did nothing about it, and she got upset. 

I held in my laughter, feeling like I was watching me on the field as she started talking to the ref, her body language showing she was only getting more angry. 

The big screen was zoomed in on her, but I couldn't seem to read her lips. But she was breathtakingly beautiful, even while looking mad. 

Her teammates grabbed her and moved her away from the ref, and I wanted to see if there'd be a card. 

There wasn't, and the game went on. 

I couldn't get my eyes off of her for the rest of the game. Maybe I was awaiting another outbreak, or maybe it was because watching her dribble the ball was so insanely fun. She took her defenders so easily, and every time she went 1v1 she won. It was extremely impressive. 

She ended up scoring towards the end of the game to break the 2-2 tie. On the big screen, her name, Katie Callahan, flashed on the screen before the replay of the goal. 

I went home after the game, and all night I thought about her. 

"What's on your mind, Trin? You've been quiet." Devon said at dinner. 

"I'm just tired I guess." I told her. 

I found the girl's instagram, because maybe that would get her off my mind. 

I realized after that was the opposite of what I should have done, but in the moment it seemed okay.

"So how's Riley?" She asked. "Have you talked to him at all today?" 

"Nope. I'm not sure what's up with him. He was mad at me the other day and we haven't talked since." 


"I'm not sure what happened really." I sighed, picking at my salad. "I think it's because I've been hanging with Ash a lot lately." 

"Could be." 

"I'll ask I guess." 


"I don't really know." I sighed. "I don't wanna think about it right now." 

"That's fine. Tell me how that game today went instead." 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now